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Top Builds Brawl Stars Rosa Guide!
Top Builds Brawl Stars Rosa Guide!

Top Builds Brawl Stars Rosa Guide!

14.06 .2024
ROSA BEST BUILD Rosa possesses swift movement, robust health, moderate to high damage output, and rapid reload speed. Her primary attack involves delivering three close-range punches. Her Super ability creates a shield that absorbs 70% of incoming damage. Using the "Thorn-It" gadget, Rosa can sow bushes around herself strategically. The "Herbal Tonic" gadget slows down enemies within bushes and deals minor damage, aiding Rosa in detecting their presence. Her Star...


Rosa possesses swift movement, robust health, moderate to high damage output, and rapid reload speed. Her primary attack involves delivering three close-range punches. Her Super ability creates a shield that absorbs 70% of incoming damage. Using the "Thorn-It" gadget, Rosa can sow bushes around herself strategically. The "Herbal Tonic" gadget slows down enemies within bushes and deals minor damage, aiding Rosa in detecting their presence. Her Star Power "Plant Life" enables health regeneration while she remains within bushes. Additionally, the Star Power "Thorny Gloves" amplifies Rosa's attack damage during the duration of her Super.

Rosa becomes significantly more formidable with her Thorny Gloves Star Power when utilizing her Super. The Grow Light gadget enables her to generate new bushes on the map, providing opportunities to sneak or evade enemies. Equipped with speed gear, she becomes even more elusive, while Gadget Charge allows her to replenish destroyed bushes. This build optimally equips Rosa with the tools necessary for success: damage potential, adaptability, and enhanced survivability.

GROW LIGHTRosa Gadget 01

Rosa fertilizes the ground around her and bushes instantly grow to provide great cover

SPEEDSpeed Gear

Gain 15% SPEED INCREASE when moving in bushes

THORNY GLOVESRosa Star Power 02

Rosa’s punches gain +276 damage during her Super

GADGET CHARGEGadget Charge Gear

Increases number of Gadget usages per battle by 1


Rosa's Plant Life Star Power accelerates her healing while inside a bush, enhancing her durability significantly. This Star Power offers robust utility and can serve as a viable alternative to her other Star Power. Rosa's Unfriendly Bushes gadget, while less potent compared to the alternative, can still be utilized effectively to approach enemies. In maps devoid of bushes, switching to damage gear instead of speed gear is advisable, although Rosa's effectiveness may diminish in such environments.


All opponents hiding in bushes take 276 damage and get slowed down for 3 second

PLANT LIFERosa Star Power 01

Rose recovers 324 health per second when inside a bush

DAMAGEDamage Gear

Deals 15% EXTRA DAMAGE when your brawler is below 50% health


Rosa slows down all nearby enemies while her Super is active.

  • SPEED +25%

  • DAMAGE +5%

  • SHIELD +25%

Important information about ROSA:

  • Rarity:RARE
  • Class:TANK
  • ROSA’s title: "Touching grass"
  • Personal description of ROSA: "Rosa is equally passionate about both botany and boxing. She loves her garden, but if any plant misbehaves, it will get a scolding, both verbally and physically."


  • HEALTH 10000 HP
  • MAX DMG 3 X 920
  • TRAITS Charges Super from damage received

Characters that ROSA opposes:

  1. Mortis
  2. Ash
  3. Miko
  4. Poco
  5. Edgar

Characters who are not opposed:

  1. Shelly
  2. El Primo
  3. Stu
  4. Emz
  5. Spike

A precise guide for attack, super, hypercharge, gadgets, and star power:


Rosa's primary attack consists of a series of three punches delivered with her thorned boxing gloves. Each punch inflicts 920 damage, resulting in a total of 2760 damage when all three punches connect. Due to its short range, Rosa excels in close-quarter combat, especially against grouped enemies where her attack can hit multiple targets simultaneously.


When Rosa activates her Super, she gains a shield that lasts for 3 seconds, reducing all incoming damage by 70%. This significantly enhances Rosa's durability, enabling her to withstand enemy assaults effortlessly. You can utilize this shield to advance through enemy defenses, engage in close-range combat while mitigating damage, survive sudden bursts of enemy fire, or even shield your teammates from incoming projectiles.


Rosa charges her Super by absorbing damage. You can strategically absorb enemy shots to quickly recharge your Super.

GRASPING ROOTSRosa Hypercharge

While Rosa's Super is active, she slows down all nearby enemies. Additionally, she gains +20% movement speed, +20% damage, and +25% shield.

GROW LIGHTRosa Gadget 01

Rosa’s Grow Light gadget instantly creates a 3×3 section of bushes at her location, which remain for the rest of the match unless destroyed by a Brawler’s Super, after a goal in Brawl Ball, or after a round of Knockout. These bushes cannot grow on walls, water, or beneath the safe in Heist. Grow Light is a highly versatile gadget useful in numerous scenarios. It can provide cover for both Rosa and her teammates, enhance map control, trap enemies in bushes, or aid in escaping dangerous situations.


Rosa’s Unfriendly Bushes gadget immediately applies a slowing effect and deals minor damage to all enemies within bushes. The slow effect persists for 3 seconds, while the damage totals 276. This gadget enables Rosa to catch up to and defeat enemy Brawlers attempting to flee.

PLANT LIFERosa Star Power 01

Rosa’s Plant Life star power enables her to regenerate 324 health per second while she remains within bushes. This enhances her survivability significantly, especially when paired with her Super ability. Utilize this star power to recover quickly by staying within bushes whenever feasible, particularly when your health is low.

THORNY GLOVESRosa Star Power 02

Rosa’s Thorny Gloves star power boosts her damage by 276 while her Super is active. This allows her to inflict up to 3588 damage with a single attack during her Super, significantly enhancing her lethality. Thorny Gloves is an exceptionally potent star power that makes Rosa exceptionally dangerous when she has her Super charged.



If you have your super ready, shoot the ball against the wall and then activate your super to gain your Shield. As the ball rebounds, you can quickly rush towards the goal and score.

Best and worst modes for ROSA:

Best modes:

  • Brawl Ball

  • Gem Grab

  • Hot Zone

Worst modes:

  • Duo Showdown

  • Solo Showdown

  • Knockout

Here are all the skins for the character ROSA:

  • Halloween Rosa (Free for winning Brawl-o-ween Challenge (currently unavailable) or 79 Gems) is currently unavailable.
  • Coco Rosa (149 Gems)
  • Major Rosa (Available at Tier 1 of the "Year of the Tiger" season) is unavailable.
  • Praying Mantis Rosa (149 Gems)
  • Silver Rosa (10,000 Coins)
  • Golden Rosa (25,000 Coins)
  • Fan Rosa (149 Gems)

Interesting facts about:

  • Rosa is part of the same gang as Sprout and Bea. Their hangout is called the "Biome Dome."


  • Due to Rosa's release, a technical break had to be made on the day she appeared to balance her. 
  • According to Ryan, Rosa nearly died in the jungle and had to work hard to survive.
  • Rosa is currently the latest rare character.
  • She, like many other fighters, has promotional videos. Her video showcases the action of her first gadget.
  • Since Rosa's release, she didn't have a skin for a very long time. The first one came out only on 31/10/20 (about 2 years later).
  • Rosa and Bea created Sprout themselves.
  • Gameplay:
  • Rosa is the first character whose gadget places objects from locations, specifically bushes, but only of one color, regardless of where they are placed (second - Gale (trampoline), third - Jackie (can restore destroyed blocks and bushes)).
  • With Rosa's gadget, you can hide boxes with power cubes, springs, teleporters, spikes, and slowing/speeding plates from all players, including Rosa herself.
  • If Rosa activates her Super and enters and exits bushes, the animation of activating the Super will repeat.
  • If bushes are placed for Rosa in Brawl Ball, they will disappear after a goal. This also works in Duel and Knockout modes after each round.
  • Rosa's phrase "Rosa - that's my name, botany - that's my game" is very similar to Carl's phrase: "Carl - that's my name, geology - that's my game."
  • Possibly, Rosa's phrase "You're growing, girl!" is a reference to the 7th episode of the 4th season of the animated series "Totally Spies."
  • In the 4th episode of the "Time to Explain" podcast, a Hypercharge for Rosa was announced, which will be released in the October 2023 update: when Rosa activates her Super, all enemies around her will be slowed down for X seconds.

Conclusion on the ROSA guide:

Rosa is a versatile brawler with a unique ability to manipulate bushes on the battlefield. Her gameplay revolves around creating strategic advantages using her Grow Light gadget and controlling the pace with her Plant Life star power. With her Thorny Gloves star power, she becomes a formidable opponent during her Super, dealing increased damage and gaining additional survivability. Rosa's presence necessitated technical adjustments upon her release, highlighting her impact and popularity among players. Her ability to influence map dynamics and support her team makes her a valuable asset in various game modes, particularly when used effectively in conjunction with her gadgets and star powers.


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