Top Builds Brawl Stars Larry & Lawrie Guide!
Larry & Lawrie BEST BUILD
Larry and Lorrie have low health levels, high mobility, and high damage potential. Larry uses his attack by tossing a pack of bullets, which explodes twice upon landing: first, a smaller explosion happens, and then a larger explosion follows. Larry’s Super summons his brother, Lorrie, who attacks with two conescentric streams of electricity, five streams in the first wave and three in the second. First, five boltes discharge, and three follow suit. With the first gadget, Larry and Lorrie change weapons. Second gadget allows them to perform a maneuver, changing positions and recovering health. First звездная сила shifts part of the damage taken by Larry to Lorrie. Second звездная force enables Larry to reload some ammo if Lorrie strikes an enemy.
Larry and Lorrie are well-known figures in the gaming community. They are a powerful duo, thanks to Larry's high mobility and damaging capabilities, and Lorrie's supporting role. Larry utilizes his attack by throwing a bundle of bullets, which explosives twice upon landing: first, a smaller explosion occurs, and then a larger one. Larry’s Super call to action is summoned by his brother, Lorrie, who attacks with two streams of electricity, five streams in the first phase and three in the second. First, five boltes are released, and three follow. First gadget allows Larry and Lorrie to swap weapons. Second gadget enables them to perform a manoeuvre, changing positions and regaining health. First Star Power transfers part of the damage received by Larry to Lorrie. Second Star Power provides Larry with extra ammunition if Lorrie hits an enemy. The best Star Power to use is Protection Against Supplies, which gives them a powerful defense. Another strong choice is the Gadget Charge Gear, which increases the damage dealt by Larry. The Shield Gear is a strong choice for increasing Larry’s durability.
Dash towards Lawrie while Lawrie dashes towards you, healing both for 25% of max health
Deals 15% EXTRA DAMAGE when your brawler is below 50% health
While Lawrie is in range, transfer 30% incoming damage to him instead
Gain extra 900 HEALTH as a consumable shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health
Larry & Lawrie SECOND BUILD
Other builds can be used for Larry and Lorrie, but the best build mentioned above is the most effective. The Protocol Assist Star Power can be useful if you want to play more aggressively. This Star Power is okay for heist mode, but it’s weakened by the gadget charge gear. The Order Swap Gadget is fun to play, but it's actually weak. Lastly, the Vision Gear is a decent choice for playing in bushy maps, but he's not as strong as the other gadget.
Swap weapons with Lawrie
While Lawrie is in range, reload 30% of your ammo whenever he damages an enemy Brawler
REVEAL opponents for 2 seconds after dealing damage to them
Important information about Larry & Lawrie:
- Rarity:EPIC
- Larry & Lawrie’s title: "I'm the law here!"
- Personal description of Larry & Lawrie: "Larry and Lori are the ushers at Starr Park. Larry loves rules because they simplify life, and Laurie just likes to make life difficult for others. They're a great team."
Larry & Lawrie STATS AT LVL 11:
- Health 5600 HP
- Movement Speed FAST
- Max DMG 1400 x2
- Range LONG
- Reload Speed VERY SLOW
- Max Super DMG 3x 600
- Super Range NORMAL
- Super Charge rate at Max Damage
- number of attack 4
- Super refills 33%
Characters that Larry & Lawrie opposes:
Characters who are not opposed:
A precise guide for attack, super, gadgets, and star power:
Larry throws a blast, which explodes twice after landing. Each explosion inflicates a damage of 1400 HP to adjacent enemies, and the second explosion has a slighter range. When an enemy is struck by the bomb, he is usually hit by the second blast.Sometimes, enemies may not spot the bomb and they'll walk on it, but they will ultimately be hit by the second bang. Ларry's attacks frequently occur twice, and he inflicating 3360 HP damage on an enemy will happen if his attacks hit twice.
Larry is a straightforward guy from Larry, and his twin, Lorrie, is a "blasteroid" (robot) character, armed with a pistol, which deals with a 300 damage and attacks enemies at a regular range. Because Lorrie is a robot, he is capable of dealing with threats, and the movements of the duo are predictable. Larry’s Super is useful to put pressure on the enemies, but the most valuable parts of the build are the right Star Power and Gadget.
Larry will exchange weapons with Lawrie. You will now use the pistol attack, which is suited for close combat, while your twin will be throwing explosive bombs. This Gadget is not very effective because Larry performs better when tossing bombs, and your twin excels in direct combat. There are a few amusing (yet ineffective) aspects to know about this Gadget: If you activate it and your twin gets eliminated, he will respawn using his basic attack (the pistol). If this occurs, both you and your twin will continue to have the pistol attack until you are defeated. Upon your death, you will revert back to your bomb attack and can use the Gadget once more.
This gadget enables Larry to dash through his twin and switch places with him. In doing so, both he and his twin regain 25% of their maximum health (1500 HP). The gadget has no maximum range, but any walls in your path will halt you. It's incredibly powerful due to its healing capabilities, and it's also very versatile as it provides additional movement options. You can use it to close the distance between yourself and an enemy, secure a better strategic position, or even evade an opponent.
This Star Power is what makes Larry's Super unique. It causes your twin to absorb 30% of the damage you take when he's within range. Once you deploy your twin and stay within the Starr Power range during combat, you'll only suffer 70% of incoming damage. Although the Starr Power's range isn't visible, remember that it's roughly equivalent to your primary attack's reach. Despite this advantage, you should remain cautious since you're still vulnerable to 70% of enemy attacks.
When Larry's twin is nearby, Larry regains 30% of his ammo each time his twin deals damage to an enemy Brawler. While the range of this Star Power isn't visible, it's equal to Larry's attack range, so staying close to your twin is essential to fully utilize this ability. Compared to the other Star Power, this one may seem weaker, but it can significantly replenish your ammo if your twin lands his shots consistently. In Heist mode, this Star Power becomes particularly potent, providing ample ammo to inflict substantial damage on the safe.
Using the Protect Starr Power, you can charge towards the goal while casting your Super behind you. Your twin will absorb 30% of the damage you take, which might be sufficient to help you score unhindered. This tactic enhances your survivability, making it harder for certain Brawlers to prevent you from reaching the goal—even a respawning Bull won't pose much of a threat. To maximize your twin's protection, consider placing him directly in front of you, allowing him to shield you even more effectively.
If you're being pursued or aiming to score a goal on an open field, try shooting the ball close to the goal, cast your Super onto it, and then activate your Swap Gadget. You'll dash through the ball and end up right next to it, making it easier to score.
With the Swap Gadget activated and your twin present on the map, you can evade lethal shots by using your Gadget strategically. Timely usage can help you avoid fatal attacks or Supers. Be sure to employ it judiciously when it truly matters.
Best and worst modes for Larry & Lawrie:
Best modes:
Hot zone
Worst modes:
Brawl ball
Gem Grab
Solo Showdown
Here are all the skins for the character Larry & Lawrie:
Larry & Lorrie Control (29 Gems)
Silver Larry & Lorrie (10,000 Coins)
Gold Larry & Lorrie (25,000 Coins)
Buggy Larry & Lorrie (149 Gems or from Rank Rewards Starr starting from season 4 rank battle)
Angel Larry & Lorrie (at level 50 of the Brawl Pass for the "Angels vs Demons" season)
Shining Larry & Lorrie (at level 46 of the Brawl Pass Plus for the "Angels vs Demons" season)
Dark Larry & Lorrie (at level 48 of the Brawl Pass Plus for the "Angels vs Demons" season)
Interesting facts about:
- Larry and Lorrie belong to the same gang as R-T, and their setting is the "Info Center."
- At launch, Larry and Lorrie were considered among the most overpowered fighters, alongside Leon, Rosa, and Charlie.
- They were the first pair of fighters to function as a single entity.
- Larry represents the "good cop," while Lorrie embodies the "bad cop," a dynamic often seen in American films, as reflected in Lorrie's dialogue.
- Given their accents, it's plausible that Larry and Lorrie are Dutch.
- Lorrie is older than Larry.
- Their names, particularly Lorrie, are abbreviated versions of the masculine name Lawrence, though Larry typically stays unchanged.
- The name Lawrence originates from the word "Law," which aligns with Larry and Lorrie’s affinity for rules and regulations.
- Gameplay
- The second blast from the "Ticket Pack" attack covers a larger area than the initial one.
- Lorrie possesses traits typical of uncontrollable characters, preventing fighters such as Willow, Charlie, Cordellius, and Kit from targeting him with their Supers.
- Lorrie constantly strives to stay close to Larry.
- If Larry moves too far away from Lorrie, he risks losing track of him.
- Opponents find it harder to charge their Supers against Larry when he has the "Protection Protocol" Star Power active, as some of the damage is redirected to Lorrie. However, Buzz, Cordellius, Lili, and Shade can still fully charge their Supers thanks to their unique abilities.
- Appearance and Skins
- In conversations, Larry does most of the talking, whereas Lorrie only speaks when he appears.
- Compared to Larry, Lorrie has a deeper voice.
- Upon release, Larry and Lorrie received a rare skin.
- This skin pays homage to the Nintendo Switch gaming console.
- A poll conducted by Supercell showcased the "Buggy Larry and Lorrie" skin.
- Based on this poll, the skin was originally intended to be named "Hacker Larry and Lorrie."
- Bugs and Issues
- Initially, during their reveal in Brawl Talk, they were classified as Mythic rarity, but later received Epic rarity instead.
- When an enemy Larry attacks, the sound effect resembles that of Darryl or Bull.
- Summoning Lorrie triggers the sound of Nita calling her bear.
- Unlike other mobile companions, Lorrie cannot detect enemies hidden in bushes.
- Before the February 2024 update, their icons were not purchasable.
- Unlocking the "Larry and Lorrie Control" skin results in Lorrie appearing without a skin, for reasons unknown.
- An issue in the Catalog involved Lorrie occasionally appearing behind models of other turrets (like Nita's Bear or Pam's Turret). This bug was eventually resolved.
- After using the "Command Exchange" gadget, if Larry is defeated by an "Electroshock" attack, he'll respawn with the "Ticket Pack" as his primary attack. Conversely, if Lorrie is defeated with the “Ticket Pack” attack, he’ll respawn wielding the “Electroshock.” This interaction can lead to a glitch where both Larry and Lorrie share the same primary attack.
- In Duels, a bug occurred involving these fighters: selecting Ash, Larry, and Lorrie along with another fighter would cause the game to crash during player selection. Some players managed to start the match, but it would crash again once Larry deployed Lorrie. Following a technical interruption on June 5, 2024, Lorrie was nearly removed entirely, disappearing from all skin animations and the Battle Map. The June 2024 Update saw Lorrie return to his original place.
- Season 32 skins for Larry and Lorrie are currently unavailable for training.
Conclusion on the Larry & Lawrie guide:
In conclusion, the combination of Larry and Lawrie in Brawl Stars presents a unique gameplay dynamic that may not be the most effective but offers some interesting elements for players to explore. While Larry excels with bomb attacks and Lawrie thrives in close combat situations, the Gadget they share can create amusing scenarios, especially when it comes to respawning and alternating between their attacks. Players should keep in mind that the effectiveness of their strategy will depend on understanding their strengths and working together as a team. Embrace the chaos and have fun experimenting with their abilities to find creative solutions in battles!