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Top Builds Brawl Stars Charlie Guide!
Top Builds Brawl Stars Charlie Guide!

Top Builds Brawl Stars Charlie Guide!

12.04 .2024
CHARLIE BEST BUILD Charlie possesses elevated health, standard damage output, and moderate speed. He wields a yo-yo for his attacks, reminiscent of Carl's style. His Super ability ensnares adversaries in a cocoon, immobilizing them until liberated. Teammates' aid is necessary to release them from the cocoon. Additionally, enemies ensnared in the cocoon sustain damage while trapped. Charlie's Spiders' Gadget enhances her versatility significantly, proving to be highly advantageous. It enables...


Charlie possesses elevated health, standard damage output, and moderate speed. He wields a yo-yo for his attacks, reminiscent of Carl's style. His Super ability ensnares adversaries in a cocoon, immobilizing them until liberated. Teammates' aid is necessary to release them from the cocoon. Additionally, enemies ensnared in the cocoon sustain damage while trapped.

Charlie's Spiders' Gadget enhances her versatility significantly, proving to be highly advantageous. It enables her to both defend against single-shot brawlers and launch counterattacks against them. Additionally, her Digestive Star Power amplifies her effectiveness against tanky opponents. Equipping damage-enhancing gear is optimal, and the gadget's quick charge further amplifies Charlie's capabilities by allowing frequent use of her Spiders' Gadget. With this setup, Charlie excels as a formidable anti-tank brawler!

SPIDERSCharlie Gadget 01

Charlie releases 3 spiders that seek and attack the nearest enemies

DAMAGEDamage Gear

Deals 15% EXTRA DAMAGE when your brawler is below 50% health

DIGESTIVECharlie Star Power 01

Cocooned enemies lose 25% of their health while cocooned

GADGET CHARGEGadget Charge Gear

Increases number of Gadget usages per battle by 1


An alternative build can be adopted when you prefer not to play Charlie solely as an anti-tank brawler. With the alternate Star Power and Gadget, Charlie gains increased versatility. The Slimy Star Power becomes advantageous when zone control is crucial, as it slows down enemies. The Personal Space Gadget enables safer gameplay and aids in dodging opponents' supers. Lastly, Speed gear proves beneficial in bush-heavy maps, while Health gear facilitates faster healing.


PERSONAL SPACECharlie Gadget 02

Charlie cocoons herself, healing 50% of her total health

SLIMYCharlie Star Power 02

Cocoon leaves a slimy trail behind it for 5 seconds that slows down enemies walking over it

SPEEDSpeed Gear

Gain 15% SPEED INCREASE when moving in bushes


Recover Health 50% more effectively


3 spiders spawn around the cocoon

  • SPEED +26%

  • DAMAGE +25%

  • SHIELD +5%

Important information about CHARLIE:

  •  Rarity:MYTHIC
  •  Class: SUPPORT
  • CHARLIE ’s title: "The Amazing"
  •  Personal description of CHARLIE: "Charlie performed in the circus,Inviting everyone to see her show.She let her locks flow,Ensnaring everyone in a cocoon.The audience grew agitated,While Charlie vanished with the money!"


  • HEALTH 6600 HP
  •  MAX DMG 1600

Characters that CHARLIE opposes:

  1. Bull

  2.  El Primo

  3.  Jackie

  4.  Bibi

  5.  Frank

Characters who are not opposed:

  1. Dynamike

  2. Stu

  3.  Grom

  4.  Sandy

  5.  Tara

A precise guide for attack, super, hypercharge, gadgets, and star power:


Charlie's attack involves a yo-yo that returns upon contact with an enemy or a wall. If she misses her shot, the yo-yo returns when it reaches maximum range. This mechanic allows Charlie to strike enemies multiple times in quick succession, particularly at close or mid-range distances, so be sure to capitalize on this advantage.


Charlie's Super ability cannot penetrate walls. Upon hitting an enemy with her Super, the target becomes ensnared in a cocoon, rendering them incapacitated and unable to charge their ammo. The cocoon self-destructs after 5 seconds if left untouched. To expedite their return to battle, the cocoon can be broken by the enemy's teammates. With 8400 HP, breaking the cocoon requires the enemy's teammates to expend a considerable amount of ammo. The cocoon gradually loses 20% of its health per second. It's possible to have multiple cocoons active simultaneously.

PESTILENCECharlie Hypercharge

Charlie receives a 30% increase in damage, a 30% boost in speed, and a 10% enhancement to her shield with Hypercharge. Additionally, the cocoon spawns three spiders identical to those summoned by the Spiders gadget. It's advisable to utilize Hypercharge primarily for the stat buffs rather than solely for the presence of three spiders, as this functionality mirrors that of the Spiders gadget. Furthermore, it's important to note that only three spiders can be active on the map at any given time.

SPIDERSCharlie Gadget 01

Three spiders emerge around Charlie and engage the enemies. This gadget proves highly effective for self-defense or for causing the enemy to expend their ammunition.

PERSONAL SPACECharlie Gadget 02

After cocooning herself, Charlie regenerates 50% of her health. This gadget can be utilized to evade certain enemy supers. However, it takes some time for her to emerge from the cocoon, leaving her vulnerable. Exercise caution and deploy it when you are confident that enemies won't be waiting for you to exit the cocoon.

DIGESTIVECharlie Star Power 01

This Star Power empowers Charlie with an exceptionally potent Super against tanks. Inflicting a 25% health loss on a tank is remarkable and positions Charlie as a formidable anti-tank brawler. Utilize this Star Power to unleash your Super against tanks and high-HP brawlers to maximize your damage output.

SLIMYCharlie Star Power 02

Charlie's Super creates a trail that hinders the movement of enemies, providing an effective means to control an area and impede the progress of clustered foes.



You have the option to cocoon your enemy to extricate yourself from various predicaments. For instance, in Brawl Ball, when a formidable opponent is making a beeline for your goal, cocooning them can provide a strategic advantage. Similarly, in Heist, whether you're defending your safe or launching an assault on the enemy safe, cocooning an opponent can afford you ample time to execute your defensive or offensive maneuvers as needed. Additionally, cocooning can be employed against adversaries utilizing their Hypercharge, effectively denying them the benefits of their enhanced state.


When you find yourself near the goal with an opponent defending it, aim the ball at the goal and quickly activate your Super to cocoon the defending enemy. This will prevent them from intercepting the ball, allowing you to easily score a goal!


You can utilize your Spiders' Gadget to absorb a potentially lethal bullet. This strategy proves particularly effective against single-shot brawlers, as they will need to expend two additional bullets to eliminate the remaining spiders that are advancing toward them.

Best and worst modes for CHARLIE:

Best modes:

  •  Brawl Ball

  •  Duo Showdown

  •  Heist

Worst modes:

  • Knockout

  •  Bounty

  •  Wipeout

Here are all the skins for the character CHARLIE:

  • Floral Charlie

  • Spider Charlie

Interesting facts about CHARLIE:

  • Charlie stands as the sole member of her gang for now. She thrives within the ambiance of the "Strange Circus."

         Странный Цирк-Тема

  • The theme of the Strange Circus encapsulates her surroundings. 
  • Charlie honed her skills on the streets, mastering remarkable tricks. Eventually, she received an invitation to showcase her talents at the Strange Circus, where she rose to stardom. 
  • Charlie's accent in her dialogue suggests she may be of French or Franco-Canadian descent.
  • Her full name is Charlotte.

Conclusion on the CHARLIE guide:

In summary, the CHARLIE guide is an all-encompassing tool for players aiming to master this distinctive brawler in Brawl Stars. It furnishes invaluable insights into Charlie's abilities, strengths, and optimal gameplay strategies. From unraveling her backstory to mastering the art of utilizing her attacks and gadgets effectively, the guide empowers players with the requisite knowledge to thrive with Charlie on the battlefield.

Moreover, the guide explores a plethora of tips and tactics to unleash Charlie's full potential across diverse game modes and scenarios. Whether leveraging her cocoon ability for objective control or utilizing her spiders gadget to gain a tactical edge, the guide offers practical counsel suited to players of all proficiencies.

Ultimately, the CHARLIE guide stands as an indispensable companion for players seeking to refine their prowess with this enigmatic brawler, offering a trove of insights and strategies to elevate their performance and achieve success in Brawl Stars.


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