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Top Builds Brawl Stars Brock Guide!
Top Builds Brawl Stars Brock Guide!

Top Builds Brawl Stars Brock Guide!

15.05 .2024
BROCK BEST BUILD Brock has very low health, average speed, and a slow reload rate. His long-range rockets inflict significant damage in a small area, but they take a while to reload. His Super launches a barrage of 9 rockets, dealing massive area damage. His first Gadget, "Rocket Fuel," lets him make a high jump, making him invulnerable for a brief moment and allowing him to leap over obstacles. His...


Brock has very low health, average speed, and a slow reload rate. His long-range rockets inflict significant damage in a small area, but they take a while to reload. His Super launches a barrage of 9 rockets, dealing massive area damage. His first Gadget, "Rocket Fuel," lets him make a high jump, making him invulnerable for a brief moment and allowing him to leap over obstacles. His second Gadget turns his next attack into a large explosive rocket. His Star Power "More Rockets" increases the number of rockets fired during his Super, and "Rocket No. 4" raises his ammo capacity from three to four.

The Star Power "More Rockets" stands out as the top choice for Brock on most maps. With precise aiming, you can consistently land 2 or 3 rockets per Super, inflicting significant damage and eliminating most opponents. As for Gadgets, "Rocket Laces" is essential for ladder matches, particularly in facing Assassins, as it can be challenging to deal with them without this Gadget, especially in Knockout and Bounty modes. In ranked matches, it's advisable to use this Gadget against tough matchups, as it consistently provides value. Opting for the Reload Speed gear is recommended, considering Brock's slow reload rate. This gear enhances his reload speed, resulting in higher DPS. While Brock may lack HP, the Damage gear typically ranks as the second-best choice, enabling him to eliminate many Brawlers in just two shots.

ROCKET LACESBrock Gadget 01

Brock blasts the ground below him and propels himself into the air. The explosion deals 580 damage to nearby enemies.


15% faster RELOAD


Rocket Rain now rains down 44% more rockets.

DAMAGEDamage Gear

Deals 15% EXTRA DAMAGE when your brawler is below 50% health


The Star Power "Rocket No. 4" is particularly useful in Knockout and Bounty since most enemy Brawlers have lower HP, making the extra fourth rocket highly effective without needing to reload. Additionally, Brock charges his Super less frequently in these modes compared to more aggressive ones, so the other Star Power might not be as beneficial.Regarding Gadgets, "Rocket Fuel" can be very powerful depending on the map. If you need to quickly destroy walls, especially against tanky Brawlers, this Gadget is ideal and saves your Super for other uses.In more passive modes or when facing tough matchups, consider using the Shield gear instead of the Reload Speed gear. Due to Brock's low HP, the additional protection from the Shield gear can help him survive longer against high DPS Brawlers.

ROCKET FUELBrock Gadget 02

Brock’s next attack is a mega rocket that is bigger, badder, faster and destroys walls.

ROCKET NO. 4Brock Star Power 02

Brock loads a fourth rocket into his launcher, increasing his ammo capacity (and discarding the thermos bottle he’s been keeping in his launcher’s fourth tube).

SHIELDShield Gear

Gain extra 900 HEALTH as a consumable shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health


Brock fires a Rocket Barrage, raining down rockets in the targeted area simultaneously in four waves

  • SPEED +26%

  • DAMAGE +25%

  • SHIELD +5%

Important information about BROCK:

  • Rarity:RARE
  • Class: MARKSMAN
  • BROCKs title: "Boom!"
  • Personal description of BROCK: "Brock is a gamer and a troll. Despite being a romantic introvert, he is willing to step out of his comfort zone to achieve victory!"


  • HEALTH 4800 HP
  • MAX DMG 2320
  • MAX SUPER DMG 18720
  • SUPER REFILLS 20% - 100%

Characters that BROCK opposes:

  1. 8-Bit

  2. Jessie

  3. Pam

  4. Spike

  5. Mr. P

Characters who are not opposed:

  1. Stu

  2. Piper

  3. Nani

  4. Edgar

  5. Leon

A precise guide for attack, super, hypercharge, gadgets, and star power:


Brock launches a rocket from his launcher, inflicting 2320 damage with splash damage upon impact. Additionally, it creates a small zone of fire, dealing 696 damage twice if enemies remain within its range. With one rocket, Brock can deal a total of 3712 damage, making him a high DPS brawler! However, it's rare for enemies to be hit by the small fire zone, except for turrets and pets. Brock also has a sizable hitbox, making it easy to land shots on enemies, even from long range.


Brock launches numerous rockets in a wide area, forming a circular pattern. Each rocket inflicts 2080 damage, along with splash damage. By default, there are 9 rockets, but with the appropriate Star Power, this increases to 13, resulting in a total damage potential of 18720 (or 27040 with the right Star Power)! The large number of rockets and the expansive size of the Super make it relatively easy to hit at least one rocket. However, it's important to note that while using the Super, Brock cannot fire his regular rocke


Брок Hypercharge

Brock unleashes a Rocket Barrage, launching rockets in four consecutive waves to the designated area simultaneously. Additionally, he receives boosts of +26% SPEED, +25% DAMAGE, and +5% SHIELD.

ROCKET LACESBrock Gadget 01

Brock leaps into the air for a brief duration, dealing 580 damage to any nearby enemies upon landing. This Gadget has the ability to interrupt enemy abilities, such as those of Frank or Carl's Super. It's primarily used to evade aggressive Brawlers when they attempt to close in on you. Additionally, you can utilize it to traverse over walls, which can be extremely beneficial in certain scenarios for evading lethal attacks or buying time. Upon activation, you will land a few tiles ahead in the direction you were moving.

ROCKET FUELBrock Gadget 02

Brock's upcoming rocket is larger, swifter, has an extended range, and has the ability to break through walls. This Gadget offers great versatility: you can utilize it solely for wall destruction (without expending a Super), or to eliminate weakened opponents. Due to its enhanced speed, expanded hitbox, and extended range, dodging this rocket is exceptionally challenging. It proves highly effective against Marksmen and Throwers, as it allows you to catch them off guard and secure kills with ease.


Brock's Super now features 44% more rockets, increasing from 9 to 13 rockets. Despite the increase in the number of rockets, the duration of the Super remains unchanged, resulting in Brock launching the rockets at a faster rate! This Star Power proves incredibly advantageous in Heist matches, as it enables Brock to rapidly dismantle the safe if opponents allow him to unleash his Super on it. Even in other game modes, this Star Power remains potent, as it facilitates easy hits on enemies with the Super, often leading to free kills.

ROCKET NO. 4Brock Star Power 02

Brock now possesses an additional rocket in his launcher thanks to this Star Power. This enhancement can significantly bolster his effectiveness, particularly in Knockout and Bounty modes. With the ability to fire an extra rocket, Brock can sustain his offensive pressure for a longer duration, allowing him to inflict substantial damage within a short timeframe. This advantage proves invaluable, especially when catching opponents off guard or when they are unaware of Brock's position.



It's important to note that the Rocket Fuel provides extended range compared to a standard attack. If you find yourself in a situation where you're pursuing a weakened opponent but lack the necessary range to secure the kill, consider utilizing the Gadget. This will make it difficult for them to evade, and the range extension may help you secure the elimination effortlessly. The same principle applies to your Super, as it offers slightly more range than your regular rockets.


In Brawl Ball, when you're near the enemy goal, consider aiming the ball at the side walls of the goal and immediately using your Rocket Fuel on those walls before the ball makes contact. This tactic catches opponents off guard, often resulting in a surprise goal.


Brock's hitbox is quite effective. When an enemy attempts to heal behind a wall, you can target the wall directly and still hit the enemy. This tactic is successful only if the enemy is directly behind the wall, not one tile away. It also applies to pets and turrets, allowing you to snipe Mr. P's or Pam's turret, for example. However, the small fire zone won't affect the enemy if you hit them behind a wall.

Best and worst modes for BROCK:

Best modes:

  • Knockout

  • Heist 

  • Bounty

Worst modes:

  • Duo Showdown

  • Solo Showdown

  • Brawl Ball

Here are all the skins for the character BROCK:

  • Beach Brock
  • Breakdancer Brock
  • Kung-Fu Brock
  • Streetsweeper Brock
  • Superranger Brock
  • Retro Brock
  • Silver Brock
  • Golden Brock
  • Mailman Brock
  • ZomBrock
  • Zeus Brock
  • Brock BROWN
  • Blue Ranger Brock
  • Red Ranger Brock
  • Black Ranger Brock
  • Yellow Ranger Brock
  • Pink Ranger Brock
  • Hacker Brock
  • Golden Hacker Brock
  • RGB Hacker Brock

Interesting facts about :

  • Brock belongs to the same crew as Rico and 8-BIT, and they often hang out at a place called the "Arcade."Аркада-Тема
  • During the beta version, Brock was classified as a rare brawler.
  • Brock is the second brawler known for using slang in his dialogue, following Colt. Subsequently, Volt, Edgar, and Doug also adopted this style.
  • The original inspiration for Brock's character is depicted as a girl wielding a rocket launcher, as seen in the artwork from "The Art of Supercell."

          Концепты Брок 1

  • In the game's data files, Brock is labeled as "RocketGirl," a term also used in one of Janet's quotes. This could potentially be an allusion.
  • This detail makes Brock one of the rare brawlers whose prototypes were of the opposite gender, with Pam being another example.
  • Previously, there was speculation that Brock and Edgar shared the same voice actor, Scott Williams.
  • However, this hypothesis was later disproven by YouTuber Lex. Although Brock and Edgar share similar voices and phrases such as "I'm lagging," and Brock's removed line "Don't be angry," the actual voice actor for Edgar is David Atovino.
  • Regarding gameplay.

Conclusion on the Brock guide:

In summary, Brock emerges as a versatile contender within Brawl Stars, boasting formidable offensive prowess and strategic adaptability. Armed with his long-range rockets and devastating Super, Brock exerts a commanding presence across the battlefield. By leveraging precise positioning and calculated timing, he can assert control over critical map areas and swiftly eliminate adversaries from afar. Moreover, his array of Gadgets and Star Powers offer further versatility, allowing players to tailor their approach to suit various game modes and tactical scenarios. Whether dismantling barriers, dictating objectives, or dispatching foes, mastering Brock's arsenal and exploiting his unique attributes is paramount for achieving victory in the dynamic world of Brawl Stars.


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