World Bosses
By tradition, in each new add-on of World of Warcraft, World Bosses await us at each new location. There are four new main locations in Shadowlands, led by a unique faction, the Covenants, and each of them will have a unique boss. Once a week, players will be able to fight one of the world bosses that appear in order, as part of a world quest, and receive certain loot. In fact, you can fight this boss as much as you like, but you can only get loot once a week. The item level of gear rewards you'll get from World Bosses mostly is 207. There are also drop chances for Legendary Power recipes (one for each class) and pretty much conduits for Covenant Soulbinds.
Even those bosses are not so difficult to kill, but there will be some little advice to stay alive and get the loot.
Valinor, the Light of Eons (Bastion, Kyrian Covenants)
Built by the Kyrians as a means of testing their most hardened warriors, Valinor is a centurion of great power. Taken by the forsworn and infected with the seed of doubt, Valinor now sees all foes as challengers.
Valinor activates after the nearby anima barrels are destroyed and obeys the orders of Lysonia, who hovers next to him. Avoid his powerful area damage anima charges. If the grouped enemies do not have time to disperse, the explosion of the charged anima deals devastating damage to them. From time to time, Valinor unleashes anima, striking multiple areas with anima charges.
Dodge [Anima Charge].
Stay away from allies to avoid spreading [Charged Anima Blast].
Dodge [Anima Charge].
Stay away from allies to avoid spreading [Charged Anima Blast].
Swap with another tank when you accumulate too many [Mark of Penitence] effects.
Dodge [Anima Charge].
Stay away from allies to avoid spreading [Charged Anima Blast].
Loot list:
Memory of the Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Shaman class)
Memory of Archbishop Benedictus - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Priest class)
Memory of the Final Verdict - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Paladin class)
Valinor's Ground Pounders - Feet Plate
Centurion Core Cincture - Waist Mail
Doubtweaver's Handwraps - Hands Cloth
Oversized Centurion Helm - Head Plate
Anima-Charged Wristbanding - Wrists Leather
Shroud of the Penitent - Back
Oranomonos the Everbranching (Ardenweald, Night Fae Covenants)
Once the eldest guardian of Tirna Scithe, Oranomonos has wilted alongside the great tree. With very little anima left, she can no longer discern friend from foe, as the gorm gorge themselves on her decaying form.
Oranomonos is dying, but her power is still great, and she will use it against you. Stay away from her when she summons “Seeds of Sorrow” and avoid “Withered Winds”. Use defensive abilities and get together to make it easier for the healers as she conducts “Dirge of the Fallen Sanctum”.
Move away from Oranomonos as she casts [Seeds of Sorrow].
Avoid [Withered Winds].
Abort [Recovery].
Move away from Oranomonos as she casts [Seeds of Sorrow].
Avoid [Withered Winds].
Don't accumulate too many [Implant] effects.
Move away from Oranomonos as she casts [Seeds of Sorrow].
Avoid [Withered Winds].
When Oranomonos's health drops to 50%, she performs [Dirge of the Fallen Sanctum]. Get ready to actively heal your companions.
Dispel [Rapid Growth] on allies.
Loot list:
Memory of a Fevered Incantation - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Mage class)
Memory of the Verdant Infusion - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Druid class)
Memory of Surging Shots - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Hunter class)
Ironroot Bindings - Wrists Mail
Twisted Witherroot Band - Finger
Seed-Tender's Handwraps - Hands Leather
Slippers of the Leafy Undergrowth - Feet Cloth
Stonebark Girdle - Waist Plate
Oranomonos' Diaphanous Leggings - Legs Leather
Mortanis (Maldraxxus, Necrolords Covenants)
One of the most studied necromancers of the House of Rituals, Mortanis has been working tirelessly on a means of transforming himself into a more powerful form. Now, he is only a few moments from succeeding.
After the death of the necromancers, Mortanis turns into a powerful bone creature and enters the battle. His "Spine Crawl" deals significant damage to enemies in the line, and his Unruly Remains explode three times, and each time their explosion radius increases. Several of Mortanis's attacks, including “Screaming Skull” and “Bone Cleave”, deal damage to enemies hit with equal damage. In a weakened state, Mortanis casts the "Lord of the Fallen", which allows you to quickly cast spells with an area effect for some time.
Dodge [Spine Crawl].
Move away from [Unruly Remains].
Approach allies if you fall victim to [Screaming Skull].
If possible, remove [Unholy Frenzy].
Dodge [Spine Crawl].
Move away from [Unruly Remains].
Approach allies if you fall victim to [Screaming Skull].
Stay close to other tanks to share [Bone Cleave] damage.
Dodge [Spine Crawl].
Move away from [Unruly Remains].
Approach allies if you fall victim to [Screaming Skull].
Loot list:
Memory of Fujieda - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Warrior class)
Memory of Keefer - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Monk class)
Memory of a Guile Charm - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Rogue class)
Band of the Risen Bonelord - Finger
Mortanis' Ribcage - Chest Mail
Bone Crushing Vicegrips - Hands Mail
Bone-Cleated Footpads - Feet Leather
Spine Crawler Waistcord - Waist Cloth
Shoulderblade Vambraces - Wrists Plate
Nurgash Muckformed (Revendreth, Venthyr Covenants)
Formed from the sludgy mass of many dripping dredgers, and empowered with dark magics by Denathrius's most elite sorcerers, Nurgash is not the most intelligent minion, but his fists can crush castles.
Nurgash is a mighty warrior who attacks players with fists and wields the magic of stones. His “Earth Burst” hits entire areas and his “Hail of Stones” hits distant foes, so stay close to him. The gradually hardening ooze strengthens him, so that by the end of the fight his damage can be very serious.
Avoid [Earth Burst].
Stay close to Nurgash so you don't get crushed by [Hail of Stones].
Avoid [Earth Burst].
Maintain defensive abilities with long cooldown up to [Stone Fist].
Avoid [Earth Burst].
Stay close to Nurgash so you don't get crushed by [Hail of Stones].
[Stone Footfall] deals high damage to the raid. Get ready to quickly get everyone back on their feet.
Loot list:
Memory of a Frenzied Monstrosity - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Death Knigh class)
Memory of an Erratic Fel Core - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Demon Hunter class)
Memory of Azj'Aqir's Madness - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver (Warlock class)
Jingling Stone Stompers - Feet/Mail
Sinstone Shoulderpadding - Shoulders Cloth
Nurgash's Belt of Many Sinstones - Waist Leather
Muckformed Chain Choker - Neck
Hardened Castle Crushers - Hands Plate
Comfortable Slumberwraps - Wrists Cloth