Arathi in The War Within – What We Know About This Faction
Arathi in The War Within – What We Know About This Faction
Arathi will play a significant role in The War Within; we will encounter them in a location where they hold back the surge of Scourge emerging on the surface. But what do we know about this tribe of humans, and how are they connected to the ancient Arathor Empire?
Arathi of Arathor
Like all humans, the Arathi descended from the Vrykul. Centuries ago, warlord Thoradin founded the Arathor Empire, uniting the Eastern Kingdoms' human tribes under one banner. This empire formed an alliance with the high elves of Quel'Thalas to resist the Amani trolls, and the alliance proved successful, leading to the defeat of the Amani.
Over time, the Arathor Empire split into the Seven Kingdoms. Thoradin's descendants moved south, eventually forming the Kingdom of Stormwind. The last known descendant of Thoradin was Anduin Lothar, who died during the Second War.
Arathi in The War Within
According to the latest information, the Arathi we will encounter in The War Within are direct descendants of Thoradin. In an interview, Anne Stickney and Tina Wong stated that this specific tribe broke away from the native empire long before it fractured into the Seven Kingdoms.
Motivated by visions of a falling star, the Arathi arrived in the Shadowlands. This location lies deep underground and is illuminated by an object from their visions – a massive crystal shining like the sun. The Arathi we meet are zealous champions of the Light, and their airships fly thanks to the Sacred Flame.
According to the "What's Next?" BlizzCon roundtable, Arathi found themselves in a kind of trap after arriving in Korthia. Despite each member being seasoned fighters, they face challenges, constantly attacked by sea monsters from the ocean and assaulted by the Scourge from below.
By the time we arrive in the Shadowlands, an unusual problem has emerged – the sun-crystal occasionally dims. Within the Arathi community, discontent is growing.
Currently, it's unknown what exactly the sun-crystal of this location is. However, there's a sense that it might be something akin to the Heart of Azeroth from Legion – the essence of the prime naaru, Xe'ra. The crystal-like object served as a vessel for Illidan's soul and played a role in his resurrection. While the two items are not identical – the first being portable and the second serving as a sun – there's a noticeable resemblance. Both were found through a "falling star," both look like crystals. And if anyone understands mysterious crystals, it's the naaru.
Anne Stickney also mentioned that Anduin will spend time in the Shadowlands. It's not surprising; he's not only named after the last known descendant of Thoradin but also is experiencing a crisis in his relationship with the Light. Who better than the Arathi, devoted followers of the Light, to help him overcome the feeling that he is no longer worthy to be the chosen one of the Light?
Stay tuned for more updates on The War Within and the unfolding story of the Arathi!