Mounts Among Us
Amazing beasts walking through Shadowlands areas strike the imagination by their great variety and magnificence. Everyone can find his/her so lovely species, prideful Bastion mounts, or mythic Ardenweald animals, or terrifying Maldraxxus monsters, or powerful Revendreth beasts. Here we’ll get to know more about some of species walking through Covenant zones.
Lands of Revendreth satured with fear, artifices and anima are teemed by monsters walking in constant search of anima. One of the interesting species here is gargons. They are perfect guards and help to protect the most essential treasures in the property of his master.
Hopecrusher Gargon
Hopecrusher Gargon is one of the eminent representatives of gargons. Thick hide, square jaw and furious nature make this kind of mounts invincible and very powerful. This mount can drop from NPC Hopecrusher, with very low chances. He is obtainable for player of Venthyr Covenant only.
Sinfall Gargon
Great brother of Hopecrusher Gargon is unique white skin Sinfall Gargon. This representative of gargon species has similar characteristics as Hopecrusher Gargon, his strength makes him ideal defender. This mount is a reward for level 23 of Renown. After getting this level you can buy the mount from NPC Chachi the Artiste at 5000 of anima.
Powerful flying horses found their home on area of Kyrian Covenant. Bastion zones include many unusual horse-like species, so prideful and indomitable, walking and flying through attractive sites of Shadowlands.
One of the charming horses you can meet in Bastion is milk white Sundancer with gold mane, waving in the breeze. Players can get Sundancer after defeating of the namesake horse, he can be found on the south of the zone flying over the Bastion lands. First you need is to saddle him, but it’s possible to do only with Skystrider Glider, otherwise you can’t saddle up him and die. Players who have chosen Kyrian Covenant, can create the Glider with the help of Blueprint: Skystrider Glider, other player can buy the item from auction. If you can saddle up and come down the horse, you will have 100% drop chance for mount.
Ascended Skymane
Ascended Skymane is a snow white horse with silken blue-white mane and strong horn, with ardent and prideful nature; he will be loyal companion in all your adventures. This flying horse can drop from the treasure chest Cache of the Ascended that will appear after defeating 5-members Ascended Council. When their health drops to 15%, the whole Council capitulates and then you can see the treasure chest. Chance to get this mount is really low, around 4% of drop, it is better to make this deal in a group, but note, only level 60 players can open the chest and have a chance on getting the mount.
War-Bred Tauralus
There’re some stupendous rams-like species walking through Maldraxxus territories. Here you can know closer War-Bred Tauralus and Plaguerot Tauralus. They both have great strength with massive skull, very thick impenetrable skin deadly horns and two forked tail. War-Bred Tauralus mount is a reward after completing the final quest for the first chapter of the Necrolord Campaign - Enemy at the Door. Players need to destroy the enemy forces and Siege Ballista riding Ragewing.
Plaguerot Tauralus
As to Plaguerot Tauralus, players can buy this tauralus from Necrolord Quatermaster Su Zettai in the Seat of the Primus with 5000 of anima after getting the level 23 of Renown with Necrolord Covenant.
Ardenweald forest can show you fascinating beasts walking through twilight trees of Night Fae area. Fairy deer have its own unique characteristics, awesome and wild nature.
Dreamlight Runestag
One of the prominent representative of such species is Dreamlight Runestag, who will serve to loyal disciples of the Winter Queen and the Court of Night.This mount is the reward for the completing of first stage the Night Fae Covenant campaign, after final quest What’s My Motivation? Here players need to perform several final acts on the stage, defeating G’huun, Jaina, Azshara and N’zoth in a row, then awaiting for the Queen’s Judgement.
Dreamlight Runestag
Another one of the fabulous deer is Enchanted Dreamlight Runestag. Dark blue wool is fully covered by runes, weird horns help them to gather anima and strengthen their magic possibilities. This mount is a reward for the final quest of Night Fae campaign, Drust and Ashes.
Corridor Creeper
Torghast, the Tower of the Damned also can give us interesting mounts. Corridor Creeper is one of the most horrible mounts in Shadowlands, this loyal Jailer’s servant helps his lord in searching of the souls’ scent. Mailed ghost hound with strong jaw and claws strikes with scare fills with awe all his enemies. Players can get this mount after completing layer 8 of Twisting Corridors in Torghast, the Tower of the Damned. To have an access in corridors where each layer includes 18 levels, you need to finish all quest chain from Bolvar Fordragon located in Oribos.
There’re a great number of different mounts, so beautiful and prideful, but so terrifying and tricky. Each species has its own unique characteristics and nature. Some mounts can drop from easier action, otherwise many of them demand to go to considerable lengths. You have the possibility to domesticate fascinating beasts, and all difficulties during the way are worth the goal.