Sanctum of Domination
Sanctum of Domination is a new raid of Shadowlands released in patch 9.1 Chains of Domination. Entrance is located in the Maw (69.72 31.79), the portal is on the platform. You must be level 60 for this raid. Raid itself looks like Torghast, Tower of the Damned, - a tower embedded in a gloomy mountain, dark halls with tournaments, gear with clawed and spiked.
Sanctum of Domination Raid Release Schedule
July 6 NA / July 7 EU – Normal and Heroic Difficulties
July 13 NA / July 14 EU – Raid Finder Wing 1 and Mythic Difficulties (The Tarragrue, The Eye of the Jailer, The Nine)
July 27 NA / July 28 EU – Raid Finder Wing 2 (Soulrender Dormazain, Remnant of Ner’zhul, and Painsmith Raznal)
August 10 NA / August 11 EU – Raid Finder Wing 3 (Guardian of the First Ones, Fatescribe Roh-Kalo, and Kel’Thuzad)
August 24 NA / August 25 EU – Raid Finder Wing 4 (Sylvanas Windrunner)
The Raid has 10 different bosses with unique abilities and for each you need to choose a strategy to defeat.
Sanctum of Domination Loot
There 4 diffirent ilvl loot - 213 LFR(Looking for Raid), 226 Normal, 239 Heroic and 252 Mythic, that you can get from the first eight bosses in the raid. Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas Windrunner, the two final bosses of the raid, have better loot item levels - 220 LFR, 233 Normal, 246 Heroic and 259 Mythic.
Each boss drop gear/weapon,conduit and some amount of Stygian Ember.
Remember that there in Shadowlands expansion is also a system for obtaining items from the weekly chest. To receive rewards from the Great Vault, the character needs to kill a certain number of bosses from the Raid.
Sanctum of Domination have a certain amount of achievements:
Main achievements are obtained for killing bosses on any difficulty level (Normal, Heroic, Mythic). On Mythic Difficulty from the last boss, Sylvanas Windrunner, you can get Vengeance's Reins. And the boss The Nine have a chance to drop Sanctum Gloomcharger's Reins.
Also there some specific achievements -
The Jailer's Vanguard
Defeat the following bosses in the lower floors of the Sanctum of Domination.
The Tarragrue
The Nine
The Eye of the Jailer
The Dark Bastille
Defeat the following bosses in the wings of the Sanctum of Domination.
Soulrender Dormazain
Painsmith Raznal
Remnant of Ner'zhul
Shackles of Fate
Defeat the following bosses in the upper tiers of the Sanctum of Domination:
Guardian of the First Ones
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
The Reckoning
Ascend to the summit and confront Sylvanas Windrunner in the Sanctum of Domination.
An account-wide achievements for every patch:
Ahead of the Curve: Sylvanas Windrunner
Cutting Edge: Sylvanas Windrunner
And The Glory of the Dominant Raider and reward for it is Bracer of Hrestimorak mount.
Defeat The Tarragrue after entering the mists and reuniting Moriaz with Buttons in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat the Eye of the Jailer after using the Scavenged S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera to take a picture of the Eye of the Jailer and the entire raid after it has cast Immediate Extermination in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat The Nine after forming a Shard of Destiny from 9 or more Fragments of Destiny in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat Soulrender Dormazain after /taunting Garrosh Hellscream before combat begins and avoiding all Torment impacts in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
I Used to Bullseye Deeprun Rats Back Home
Defeat the Remnant of Ner'zhul after scoring seven goals in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat Painsmith Raznal after activating the Burning Gibbets in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat the Guardian of the First Ones after enlightening and defeating Vazzaren the Seeker in the Sanctum of Domination in Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat Fatescribe Roh-Kalo without taking damage from Fate Fragments, Fated Conjunction, or the explosions from Call of Eternity and Echo of Eternity on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat Kel'Thuzad after thawing the Remnant's heart in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Defeat Sylvanas Windrunner after activating the Focusing Prism in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.