Covenant Soulbinds
As you explore the new zones of Shadowlands, you will get acquainted with 4 factions, the Covenants, who rule these lands. As the story progresses, reaching the highest level, level 60, and choosing the Covenant that is more suitable for you, you can get bonuses and enhancements from them. Each character in Shadowlands binds their soul to one of the Covenants and gains access to the talents of Soulbinds and Conduits. There are three different characters for each Covenant, and you can choose one of them. Two of your three potential Soulbinds will be available to you as soon as you have joined your Covenant and for the third one you will need to complete the Covenant Campaign. When you will have three of them, no one forbids switching between these mediums, as you wish, just one can be active, it's like with the talents of the character class.
What is Soulbinds
Each of the Soulbinds has its own talent tree and additional story quests. New talents unlock as you level up your reputation with the Covenant. Each tree has strictly fixed skills that are common for all classes and empty cells - Conduits, both of which need to be activated in order to unlock the talents that follow them. Some of the talents are mutually exclusive - only one talent can be selected per line. But there are also Conduits, which represent a variety of items that you can get during adventures in Shadowlands or doing max level content, such as Dungeons, PvP, Raids, Reputations, World Quests, etc. It gives certain simple bonuses (not related to the talents of the Soulbind itself) and passive increase stamina, damage, healing, speed of character and so on, that are specific to your class or spec.
In addition to the fact that some Conduits are unique for each class, they are also divided into three types:
Potency Conduits improve the power of your spells and are spec or Covenant specific. There are four for each DPS and Heals spec, two for Tank specs, and four Covenant specific Conduits.
Endurance Conduits provide your class with additional defensive value through damage mitigation or increased healing. There are three Endurance Conduits available to all specs and another two available only to Tanks.
Finesse conduits provide additional utility to your class. Each class has four Finesse Conduits which are usable by all specs.
To add Conduits to the collection, replace them and change the Soulbind's talents, you need to use the Forge of Bonds located near your Covenant. Resetting talents will require Anima Reservoirs. Moreover, you can only change the Conduits once a week. Once you have collected a Conduit, it remains in your collection and is not destroyed when replaced in your Soulbind. You can select it again when you need it.
You can unlock new rows of power beyond the first two for your Soulbinds at various Renown levels:
The third row will be available at Renown Level 3.
The fourth row of Soulbind traits unlocks at Renown Level 7 and 9.
When you reach Renown Level 10 and 13 it will unlock the fourth row of Soulbind traits.
You will gain access to the sixth row of Soulbind traits at Renown Level 18 and 21.
The seventh row becomes available at Renown Level 25, 28, and 29.
The final row of traits for all of your Soulbinds unlocks at Renown Level 30, 31, and 34.
Now let’s take a look to Covenant Soulbinds:
Kyrian Covenant Soulbind
Kyrian Ability
Summon Steward Call your steward to bring you a Phial of Serenity that can be consumed to restore 20% health and remove all Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed effects. Your Steward additionally offers access to a selection of useful amenities for 4 min.
Pelagos is the first Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Kyrian Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked automatically when you join the Covenant and are introduced to the Covenant systems.
Row 1
Combat Meditation
Activating your Kyrian class ability increases your Mastery by 0 for (10 * 1) sec and occasionally expels Sorrowful Memories. Walking through Sorrowful Memories extends this effect by (3 * 1) sec. Combat Meditation may only occur once every 1 min.
Row 2
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 3
Phial of Patience
Phial of Serenity heals you for 35% additional health, but all of its healing is done over 10 sec.
Road of Trials
Defeating an enemy grants you 10% movement speed for 20 sec. This effect is increased if defeating a powerful enemy.
Focusing Mantra
Defeating an enemy lowers the cooldown on your Phial of Serenity by 1 sec.
Row 4
An Endurance Conduit
Row 5
Bond of Friendship
Defeating an enemy reduces the cooldown on your steward's non-Phial services by 30 sec.
Cleansed Vestments
You have a chance to obtain cleansed cloth and enchanting materials when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Row 6
A Potency Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 8
Let Go of the Past
Using a spell or ability increases your Versatility by 1% for 10 sec. Using another spell or ability increases this amount by 1% when it is not a repeat of the previous spell or ability, stacking to 5%.
Kleia is the second Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Kyrian Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked after a few quests to show your loyalty to you Covenant.
Row 1
Valiant Strikes
You and your nearby allies' critical strikes grant you stacks of Valiant Strikes, up to 40. At 40 stacks, you heal yourself for 10% of your maximum health and up to 4 nearby allies for 5% of their maximum health over 10 sec.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Ascendant Phial
Phial of Serenity renders you immune to Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed effects for 15 sec.
While above 90% health, you increase nearby party members' maximum health by 5%.
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Cleansing Rites
After 5 sec out of combat, gain a shield for 10% of your maximum health.
Ever Forward
While above 90% health, your mounted movement speed is increased by 10%.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Resonant Accolades
Phial of Serenity heals you for 35% additional health, but all of its healing is done over 10 sec.
Bearer's Pursuit
Defeating an enemy grants you 10% movement speed for 20 sec. This effect is increased if defeating a powerful enemy.
Pointed Courage
Defeating an enemy lowers the cooldown on your Phial of Serenity by 1 sec.
Forgelite Prime Mikanikos
Forgelite Prime Mikanikos is the third Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Kyrian Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked when you complete the Kyrian Covenant Campaign. You will have already unlocked your first Soulbind through joining the Covenant, and your second Soulbind through questing.
Row 1
Bron's Call to Action
After using 90 damaging or healing spells and abilities, your next spell or ability summons Bron, who knocks enemies back on arrival and then attacks and heals your targets for 30 sec.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Charged Additive
Phial of Serenity also knocks nearby enemies away from you.
Forgelite Filter
When reduced below 35% health, your Phial of Serenity automatically heals you and consumes a charge.
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Regenerating Materials
Casting or receiving healing has a chance to improve the remaining durability on your armor.
Resilient Plumage
Fall damage decreased by 20%, and after taking fall damage, damage you take is reduced by 20% for 15 sec.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Hammer of Genesis
Damaging a new enemy grants you 2% Haste for 10 sec, up to 5 stacks.
Sparkling Driftglobe Core
When reduced below 35% health, you stun nearby enemies for 3 sec. This effect may only occur once every 60 sec.
Soulsteel Clamps
After 5 sec standing still, incoming stun and incapacitate durations are reduced by 20%. Lasts for 5 sec once you start moving.
Night Fae Covenant Soulbind
Night Fae Ability
Soulshape: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area.
Instant cast, 1.5 min cooldown.
Niya is the first Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Night Fae Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked automatically when you join the Covenant and are introduced to the Covenant systems. You will unlock your second Soulbind through questing, and the third upon completion of your Covenant Campaign.
Row 1
Grove Invigoration
Healing or dealing damage has a chance to grant you a stack of Redirected Anima, up to 10. Activating your Night Fae class ability consumes Redirected Anima and grants you 1% maximum health and 35 Mastery per stack for 30 sec.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Run Without Tiring
While in Soulshape, you regenerate 5% of your maximum health every 3 sec.
Stay on the Move
Soulshape's cooldown is reduced by 15 sec, and defeating an enemy reduces Soulshape's cooldown by 1 sec.
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Nature's Splendor
You have a chance to obtain leather, meat, and fish when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Swift Patrol
Movement speed increased by 20% for 2 min after defeating an enemy. Combat cancels this effect
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Niya's Tools: Burrs
Your damaging attacks and spells have a chance to toss Niya's Spiked Burrs under your target. The burrs latch onto the first enemy to cross them, reducing movement speed by 20% and inflicting [(Attack power * 0.36 * (1 + Versatility)) * 6] Nature damage over 6 sec.
Niya's Tools: Poison
Your interrupts apply Niya's Paralytic Poison to your target, dealing [(Attack power * 0.16 * (1 + Versatility)) * 30] Nature damage over 30 sec. Targets with Niya's Paralytic Poison take an additional [Attack power * 0.16 * (1 + Versatility)] Nature damage if interrupted once more.
Niya's Tools: Herbs
Your healing spells and abilities have a chance to apply Niya's Invigorating Herbs, increasing the target's haste by 5% for 10 sec.
Dreamweaver is the second Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Night Fae Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked after a few quests to show your loyalty to you Covenant. You will have already unlocked your first Soulbind through joining the Covenant, and will unlock the third upon completion of your Covenant Campaign.
Row 1
When you take damage that would kill you, instead rejuvenate within a wildseed, regaining 30% of HP over 10 sec. If the wildseed takes more than (Attack power * 10 * 1) damage during this time, you die. This effect may only occur once every 30 min.
Row 2
A Finesse Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
A Potency Conduit
Row 4
Social Butterfly
When at least 2 allies are within 8 yd, your Versatility increases by 3% for 5 sec. When this expires, 2 nearby allies gain 33% of this effect for 5 sec before passing it back to you.
Soothing Voice
When your roots, stuns, and incapacitating class effects expire or are dispelled, your target's movement speed is reduced by 90%, decaying rapidly over 2 sec.
Empowered Chrysalis
10% of your overhealing received or done remains as a shield on the target up to 10% of the caster's health, lasting for 5 sec.
Row 5
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
Faerie Dust
When falling farther than 20 yd, faerie dust slows your fall.
After spending 60 sec in a rested area, you gain 20% increased movement speed for 30 min.
Row 8
Field of Blossoms
Activating your Night Fae class ability puts flowers at your feet for (10 * 1) sec that increase your Haste by 10% while you stand with them.
Korayn is the third Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Night Fae Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked when you complete the Night Fae Covenant Campaign. You will have already unlocked your first Soulbind through joining the Covenant, and your second Soulbind through questing.
Row 1
Wild Hunt Tactics
Your damage to targets above 75% health and healing to targets below 35% health is increased by 10%. When your spells and abilities are enhanced this way, you gain 10% increased movement speed for 5 sec.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or An Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Horn of the Wild Hunt
Soulshape increases the movement speed of allies within 40 yds by 10%.
Wild Hunt's Charge
While out of combat, your Soulshape's teleport becomes a charge, stunning your target for 5 sec and ending your Soulshape.
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Vorkai Sharpening Techniques
Your weapon takes no durability damage.
Get In Formation
Your mounted movement speed is increased by 5%. Allies behind you within 40 yds gain this benefit.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Face Your Foes
When in front of your target, your spells and abilities decrease the damage they inflict on you by 2% for 2 sec.
First Strike
Damaging an enemy before they damage you increases your chance to critical strike by 20% for 10 sec.
Hold the Line
After standing still for 5 sec, you take 10% less Physical damage until you move.
Necrolord Covenant Soulbind
Necrolords Ability
Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 sec that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your maximum health for 2 min. Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies.
10 yd range, Channeled (4 sec cast), 2 min cooldown
Plague Deviser Marileth
Plague Deviser Marileth is the first Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Necrolord Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked automatically when you join the Covenant and are introduced to the Covenant systems. You will unlock your second Soulbind through questing, and the third upon completion of your Covenant Campaign.
Row 1
Volatile Solvent
Using Fleshcraft with nearby corpses derives a benefit from a corpse, differing based on the creature's type.
Row 2
A Finesse Conduit, A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Travel with Bloop
While standing still, you slowly build stacks of Bloop's Wanderlust. At 5 stacks, your movement speed is increased by 10% for 2 min.
Ooz's Frictionless Coating
When reduced below 50% health, Ooz courses over you, granting you a shield for 15% of your maximum health for 10 sec. May only occur once per 30 sec.
Plaguey's Preemptive Strike
Your first attack or spell cast on an enemy increases your damage done to them by 10% for 10 sec. Limit 1.
Row 4
A Potency Conduit
Row 5
Kevin's Keyring
Allows opening of locks that require up to 60 skill, once every 24 hours.
Each 1 second spent channeling Fleshcraft reduces Kevin's Keyring's cooldown by 60 min.
Plagueborn Cleansing Slime
Defeating enemies has a chance to deploy your Plagueborn Cleansing Slime, which improves the remaining durability on your armor.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, or an Endurance Conduit
Row 8
Ultimate Form
While channeling Fleshcraft, you are immune to crowd control and you regenerate 2% health every 1 sec. If you finish the full channel, you gain 4 sec of crowd control immunity, during which you regenerate 2% health every 1 sec.
Emeni, the Slaughter Daughter
Row 1
Embody the Construct
Activating your Necrolord class ability increases your ‘Primary Stat’ by 5% and nearby allies' primary stat by 2% for 10 sec. You gain 5% additional ‘Primary Stat’ for each ally affected, up to 15%.
You may channel Fleshcraft while moving.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Emeni's Magnificent Skin
Fleshcraft increases your maximum health by 5% for 30 sec.
Emeni's Ambulatory Flesh
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Cartilaginous Legs
After taking falling damage, the health lost becomes a shield lasting 30 sec.
Hearth Kidneystone
You may attune your Hearth Kidneystone to any resting location and return to it. 24 hour cooldown, reduced by 5 min every killing blow.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Gristled Toes
Movement speed increased by 2% for every nearby enemy, up to 10%.
Gnashing Chompers
Gain 1% Haste for 20 sec after defeating an enemy, up to 5%.
Sulfuric Emission
When reduced below 20% health, you fear nearby enemies for 3 sec. May only occur once per 60 sec.
Bonesmith Heirmir
Bonesmith Heirmir is the third Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Necrolord Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked when you complete the Necrolord Covenant Campaign. You will have already unlocked your first Soulbind through joining the Covenant, and your second Soulbind through questing.
Row 1
Forgeborne Reveries
Upon death, your armor continues to fight, allowing you to fight for an additional 10 sec. During this time, your damage and healing done is reduced by 50% and you cannot receive healing.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Serrated Spaulders
Inflict [(Attack power * 0.072 * (1 + Versatility)) * 5] Shadow damage to your attacker over 5 sec when hit at melee range.
Resourceful Fleshcrafting
Defeating an enemy reduces Fleshcraft's cooldown by 1 sec.
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Runeforged Spurs
Mounted movement speed is increased by 5%. If attacked while mounted, mounted movement speed is increased by an additional 10% for 5 sec.
Bonesmith's Satchel
You have a chance to obtain a satchel of a bonesmith's preferred ore and gems when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Heirmir's Arsenal: Ravenous Pendant
Defeating an enemy restores 1% of your maximum health after 3 sec. Stacks to 5. Free
Heirmir's Arsenal: Gorestompers
Damaging or healing a target below 35% grants you 25% increased movement speed for 5 sec after you start moving. May only occur once per 1 min.
Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone
After landing 10 critical strikes, you gain 12% increased chance to critical strike for 10 sec. May only occur once per 50 sec.
Venthyr Covenant Soulbind
Venthyr Ability
Door of Shadows: Wend through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location.
35 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 1 min cooldown
Nadjia the Mistblade
Row 1
Thrill Seeker
While in combat, you gain a stack of Thrill Seeker every 2 sec, or 4 stacks on killing an enemy. At 40 stacks Thrill Seeker is consumed to grant you Euphoria, increasing your Haste by 20% for 10 sec. Thrill Seeker decays rapidly while you are not in combat.
Row 2
A Potency Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Agent of Chaos
Door of Shadows disorients all nearby enemies at the target location for 6 sec when you appear.
Fancy Footwork
Door of Shadows increases your movement speed by 40%, decaying over 6 sec.
Row 4
A Finesse Conduit
Row 5
Friends in Low Places
You loot 20% more Infused Rubies, and dredgers throughout Revendreth offer you an expanded selection of goods.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Exacting Preparation
The benefits of Well Fed, Flask, and weapon enchant effects are increased by 15%.
Familiar Predicaments
The duration of incoming interrupt, snare, and root effects are reduced by 25%.
Dauntless Duelist
The first enemy you damage in combat is marked as your Adversary. You deal 3% more damage to them, and they deal 1.5% less damage to you. You may only have one Adversary at a time.
Theotar the Mad Duke
Theotar the Mad Duke is the second Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Venthyr Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked after a few quests to show your loyalty to you Covenant. You will have already unlocked your first Soulbind through joining the Covenant, and will unlock the third upon completion of your Covenant Campaign.
Row 1
Soothing Shade
Your spells and abilities have a chance to call Tubbins and Gubbins to your side for 12 sec, parasol in hand. Standing in the shaded area grants you 317 Mastery.
Row 2
A Finesse Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Watch the Shoes!
Door of Shadows frees you from roots and snares.
Leisurely Gait
Door of Shadows has 2 charges, but its cooldown is increased by 30 sec.
Row 4
A Potency Conduit
Row 5
Life of the Party
During the Ember Court, your Guests gain additional Happiness for each event completed. When the Court concludes, the effects of any Decrees bestowed upon you are increased.
Exquisite Ingredients
You have a chance to obtain an assortment of flavorful herbs and beverages when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Wasteland Propriety
Activating your Venthyr class ability signals the start of tea time, granting 6% Versatility to you and 3% Versatility to up to 4 nearby allies. Lasts 10 sec.
Refined Palate
The effects of combat potions last 50% to 150% longer.
Token of Appreciation
Grant a shield that absorbs [Attack power * 1.0 * (1 + Versatility)] damage to allies who aid you with healing or beneficial magic effects. You will only shield each ally once every 20 sec.
General Draven
General Draven is the third Soulbind that you will acquire if you choose to join the Venthyr Covenant. This Soulbind is unlocked when you complete the Venthyr Covenant Campaign. You will have already unlocked your first Soulbind through joining the Covenant, and your second Soulbind through questing.
Row 1
Service In Stone
Damage taken below 40% health is reduced by 10%. Upon death you leave a stone husk behind which shatters after 3 sec, inflicting 100% of your maximum health in damage split among nearby enemies, and healing for 100% of your maximum health split among nearby allies.
Row 2
A Finesse Conduit or an Endurance Conduit
Row 3
Enduring Gloom
Door of Shadows grants you a shield that absorbs damage equal to 15% of your maximum health. Lasts 8 sec.
Move As One
When a nearby ally gains temporary increased movement speed, you also gain the benefit, up to 30% for 8 sec.
Row 4
A Potency Conduit
Row 5
Unbreakable Body
Your equipment takes 50% less durability damage from death.
Expedition Leader
Leaving a resting area increases your mounted speed by 10%, and your out of combat regeneration by 100%. Lasts 10 min, and completing a World Quest refreshes the duration.
Row 6
An Endurance Conduit
Row 7
A Finesse Conduit, an Endurance Conduit, or a Potency Conduit
Row 8
Built for War
While you are above 80% health you gain 1% ‘Primary stat’ every 3 sec, stacking up to 3 times. If you fall below 50% health, this effect is lost.
Superior Tactics
Successfully interrupting an enemy or dispelling an ally increases your critical strike chance by 8% for 10 sec. This may only occur once every 30 sec.
Hold Your Ground
Standing still for at least 4 sec grants you 10% increased Stamina, and 4% increased healing done. This effect persists for 4 sec after you start moving.