Revendreth Dungeons - Halls of Atonement and Sanguine Depths
Souls arriving in Revendreth receive a Sins Stone. All the misdeeds that you committed during your lifetime, as well as your true name, are recorded on such a stone. Keep its location a secret and do your best to erase any past mistakes that are engraved on its surface.
Normal Dungeons drops Item Level 158 gear at Level 60.
Heroic Dungeons drops Item Level 170 gear.
Mythic Dungeons drops Item Level 184 gear.
Halls of Atonement
The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 78.3 49.1. It’s available at level 58. In this dungeon you can get mount Slime Serpent.
Halkias, the Sin-Stained Goliath
Sinstones are meant to be inert records of past transgressions. The machinations of the depraved venthyr have allowed Halkias, a massive golem, to grow from the power of neglected sinstones. The Lord Chamberlain's forces have struggled to contain it, splitting its anima across multiple sinstone golem shards.
Avoid standing near allies so [Heave Debris] doesn't hit multiple players.
Dodge [Refracted Sinlight] and beware Halkias changing directions.
Tank –
Keep Halkias moving to avoid large clumps of [Glass Shards] from [Crumbling Slam].
Dodge [Refracted Sinlight] and beware Halkias changing directions.
Healer –
Dispel allies afflicted with [Sinlight Visions].
Dodge [Refracted Sinlight] and beware Halkias changing directions.
Loot list:
Memory of a Seismic Reverberation - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warrior Class
Sin Stained Pendant - Neck
Sinlight Shroud - Cloth Chest
Hood of Refracted Shadows - Leather Head
Shardskin Sabatons - Mail Feet
Halkias's Towering Pillars - Plate Legs
The mighty stoneborn known as Echelon has always held outsiders, especially mortals, in contempt. He watched the Halls of Atonement from the sky and will crush any who attempt to transgress the threshold.
Position [Stone Shattering Leap] to destroy Undying Stonefiends.
Tank –
Position [Stone Shattering Leap] to destroy Undying Stonefiends.
After [Stone Call] is cast, gather the Undying Stonefiends.
Healer –
Position [Stone Shattering Leap] to destroy Undying Stonefiends.
Loot list:
Memory of the Deeptremor Stone - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Shaman Class
Pulsating Stoneheart - Trinket
Stonefiend Shaper's Mitts - Cloth Hands
Skyterror's Stonehide Leggings - Leather Legs
Soaring Decimator's Hauberk - Mail Chest
Wing Commander's Helmet - Plate Head
Stoneguardian's Morningstar - 1Hand Mace
High Adjudicator Aleez
– Within the Halls of Atonement, past the courtyard and gargoyles, is a church unlike any seen on Azeroth. This is where the High Adjudicator Aleez presides over a congregation of spirits, spreading the dark word of Sire Denathrius to the undeserving.
Ghastly Parishioners emit a [Pulse from Beyond] until they are sealed within a [Vessels of Atonement]
Interrupt [Volley of Power] to prevent party-wide damage
Tank –
Ghastly Parishioners emit a [Pulse from Beyond] until they are sealed within a [Vessels of Atonement]
Interrupt [Volley of Power] to prevent party-wide damage
Healer –
Ghastly Parishioners emit a [Pulse from Beyond] until they are sealed within a [Vessels of Atonement]
[Volley of Power] inflicts heavy party damage when not interrupted
Loot list:
Memory of the Righteous Bulwark - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Paladin Class
Sunblood Amethyst - Trinket
Cord of the Dark Word - Cloth Waist
Gloves of Haunting Fixation - Leather Hands
Mantle of Ephemeral Visages - Mail Shoulders
Breastplate of Otherworldly Influence - Plate Chest
Nathrian Tabernacle - Offhand
Lord Chamberlain
The Lord Chamberlain climbed steadily and mercilessly through the ranks of venthyr society, becoming a Harvester by aiding in the capture of the rebellious Accuser. Now he rules the Accuser's halls, hoarding anima and turning the sacred process of atonement to his own deviant purposes.
Position yourself between Lord Chamberlain and a Sinstone Statue to intercept missiles during [Ritual of Woe] to reduce party wide damage.
Tank –
Position yourself between Lord Chamberlain and a Sinstone Statue to intercept missiles during [Ritual of Woe] to reduce party wide damage.
[Stigma of Pride] causes increased damage the longer it lasts.
Healer –
Position yourself between Lord Chamberlain and a Sinstone Statue to intercept missiles during [Ritual of Woe] to reduce party wide damage.
[Stigma of Pride] causes increased damage the longer it lasts.
Loot list:
Memory of the Dark Titan - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Druid Class
Memory of the Firestorm - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Mage Class
Death God's Signet - Trinket
Slippers of Leavened Station - Cloth Feet
Waistcord of Dark Devotion - Leather Waist
Nathrian Usurper's Mask - Mail Head
Pauldrons of Unleashed Pride - Plate Shoulders
Nathrian Ferula - Staff
Sanguine Depths
The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 50.9 29.9. It’s available at level 60. In this dungeon you can get mount Slime Serpent.
Kryxis the Voracious
Kryxis the Voracious sensed the anima stores deep within the Sanguine Depths, and his lust to consume this energy has driven him to madness. With the recent tear that has formed in Revendreth, Kryxis has a found a way into these catacombs, and aims to drain every last drop of anima out of the subterranean storage house.
Stack together to reduce the damage taken by the target of [Juggernaut Rush].
Interrupt [Hungering Drain].
Absorb any loose [Living Essences] before they reach Kryxis the Voracious.
Tank –
[Vicious Headbutt] inflicts heavy damage.
Interrupt [Hungering Drain].
Kryxis the Voracious consumes[Living Essences] in order increase the damage from his attacks.
Healer –
[Vicious Headbutt] inflicts heavy damage to the boss's primary target.
[Severing Smash] and [Juggernaut Rush] inflict heavy party wide damage.
Loot list:
Memory of a Luffa-Infused Embrace - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Druid Class
Memory of Xuen - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Monk Class
Entwined Gorger Tendril - Ring
Essence Surge Binders - Cloth Wrists
Anima-Splattered Hide - Leather Chest
Shackles of Alluring Vitality - Mail Wrists
Sabatons of the Rushing Juggernaut - Plate Feet
Voracious Gorger Spine - Dagger
Hungering Devourer's Twinblade - Warglaives
Executor Tarvold
Many venthyr consider the torment of their charges and the extraction of sins and anima their sacred duty. The creature known as Executor Torvald being set as warden and allowed to take its sick pleasure in torturing the prisoners here shows the depravity Revendreth has fallen to.
Quickly kill Fleeting Manifestations.
[Castigate] inflicts heavy damage to players near the target.
Tank –
Fleeting Manifestations leave behind large pools of [Residue] upon death.
Healer –
While Fleeting Manifesations are alive they inflict party-wide damage with [Growing Pride].
[Castigate] inflicts heavy damage to players near the target.
Loot list:
Overflowing Anima Cage - Trinket
Cloak of Enveloping Manifestations - Cloak
Castigator's Mantle - Cloth Shoulders
Sinsoaked Waders - Leather Feet
Executor's Prideful Girdle - Mail Waist
Vambraces of the Depraved Warden - Plate Wrists
Sinsmasher - 1Hand Mace
Grand Proctor Beryllia
There are only a few old enough to know if Grand Proctor Beryllia learned her ruthless form of study in Revendreth or if she never truly gave up that particular sin. The cruelty she used to master the magic of anima has been turned on a very peculiar new prisoner, the naaru Z'rali. She will command this creature's Light no matter what it costs her prisoner.
Mitigate [Rite of Supremacy] by collecting Z'rali's [Fragments of Radiance].
Tank –
Mitigate [Rite of Supremacy] by collecting Z'rali's [Fragments of Radiance].
Consider using damage mitigation when Grand Proctor Beryllia casts [Iron Spikes].
Healer –
Mitigate [Rite of Supremacy] by collecting Z'rali's [Fragments of Radiance].
Loot list:
Vial of Roiling Emotions - Pet
Memory of Maraad's Dying Breath - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Paladin Class
Memory of Flash Concentration - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Priest Class
Lingering Sunmote - Trinket
Beryllia's Leggings of Endless Torment - Cloth Legs
Radiant Light Binders - Leather Wrists
Iron Spiked Handgrips - Mail Hands
Waistguard of Expurged Anguish - Plate Waist
Vessel of Shining Radiance - Offhand
General Kaal
General Kaal stands as one of Sire Denathrius's main generals overseeing his operations in Revendreth. Strong, agile and full of guile, General Kaal uses her agility and anima-infused nature to eliminate all who would stand against her master.
Avoid [Piercing Blur].
Spread out for [Wicked Rush].
Position yourself for [Gloom Squall].
Tank –
Position yourself for [Gloom Squall].
Avoid [Piercing Blur].
Healer –
Position yourself for [Gloom Squall].
Avoid [Piercing Blur].
Loot list:
Memory of Stormstout - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Monk Class
Memory of an Earthen Harmony - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Shaman Class
Decanter of Anima-Charged Winds - Trinket
Bladedancer's Armor Kit - Trinket
Cowl of the Devoted General - Cloth Head
Wicked Bladewing Pauldrons - Leather Shoulders
Guilewind Stone Talons - Plate Hands
Stone General's Edge - 1Hand Axe
Kaal's Gloomblade - 1Hand Sword