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Maldraxxus Dungeons - Plaguefall and Theater of Pain
Maldraxxus Dungeons - Plaguefall and Theater of Pain

Maldraxxus Dungeons - Plaguefall and Theater of Pain

25.11 .2020
Maldraxxus's armies must guard the Darklands, serve as a military force of scale. In creepy laboratories, only strength is encouraged - the weak are disposed of by letting them go. Necromancers experiment with the souls of the ambitious and warlike. Only the best of these souls become the immortal soldiers defending the ShadowLands. Here the art of necromancy was born: magicians who subjugated death itself, create powerful immortal armies for...

Maldraxxus's armies must guard the Darklands, serve as a military force of scale. In creepy laboratories, only strength is encouraged - the weak are disposed of by letting them go. Necromancers experiment with the souls of the ambitious and warlike. Only the best of these souls become the immortal soldiers defending the ShadowLands. Here the art of necromancy was born: magicians who subjugated death itself, create powerful immortal armies for themselves from hordes of horrible creatures.


Normal Dungeons drops Item Level 158 gear at Level 60.

Heroic Dungeons drops Item Level 170 gear.

Mythic Dungeons drops Item Level 184 gear.




The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 59.2 64.8. It’s available at level 53. In this dungeon you can get mount Slime Serpent.


As this dungeon located in Maldraxxus zone, Necrolord Covenant will help their members with using Fleshcraft on certain slimes with Anima orbs around the dungeon to grant themselves and nearby allies bonuses such as Rapid Infection and Corrosive Gunk.




The exact nature of the plagues and oozes disgorged by the House of Plague's fall may never be deciphered, but the collection of slimes and flesh that became Globgrog will guard this treasure fanatically.


Consume Slime – Globgrog feasts upon any slime which reaches him, healing him for 300% of the slime's remaining health.

Beckon Slime – Globgrog beckons 3 Slimy Morsels that slowly move towards him.

Plaguestomp – Globgrog's plagued mass stomps the ground and inflicts Physical damage to all players, knocking them away and applying Debilitating Plague.

Debilitating Plague – Globgrog's stomp coats players in plague, inflicting Nature damage every 2 sec and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 20 sec.

Slime Wave – Globgrog slams his plagued fist, creating a frontal slime wave inflicting Nature damage to players. Additionally, players affected by this wave are rooted and suffer Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.



Globgrog will [Consume Slime] if a Slimy Morsel reaches him.

[Slime Wave] inflicts high damage to players in a frontal cone.

Tank –

Globgrog will [Consume Slime] if a Slimy Morsel reaches him.

[Slime Wave] inflicts high damage to players in a frontal cone.

Healer –

[Plaguestomp] inflicts party-wide damage.

[Slime Wave] inflicts high damage to players in a frontal cone.


Loot list:

Slimy Consumptive Organ - Trinket

Stradama's Misplaced Slippers - Cloth Feet  

Digested Interrogator's Gaze - Leather Head  

Blightborne Chain Legguards - Mail Legs  

Plague Handler's Greathelm - Plate Head

Surgical Pustule Extractor - Dagger



Doctor Ickus

The destruction of the House of Plagues and the slime eruptions left in its wake will not stop the presumed genius of Doctor Ickus and his deranged experiments.


DeadlyPlague Bomb – Doctor Ickus plants Plague Bombs in various slime pools during the encounter.

Virulent Explosion – Doctor Ickus arms a Plague Bomb that will detonate, inflicting Nature damage to all players.

TankMagicSlime Injection – Doctor Ickus infects the player, inflicting Nature damage and an additional Nature damage every 1 sec for 1 min. This effect stacks.

When removed, this aura spawns a Erupting Ooze for each stack applied.

Erupting Ooze

Bursting Ooze – The ooze bursts underfoot, inflicting Physical damage to the player who stepped on it.

Erupt – The ooze erupts, inflicting Nature damage to all players.

Burning Strain – Doctor Ickus infects all players, inflicting Nature damage on impact and an additional 879 Nature damage every 1 sec for 10 sec when not engaged in melee combat. This effect stacks.




Defeat Plague Bombs before they cast [Virulent Explosion].

On death, Pestilence Slimes melt into pools of [Rapid Infection].

Tank –

Pestilence Slimes grant Doctor Ickus [Rapid Infection] when close.

Step on Erupting Oozes before they [Erupt].

Healer –

Dispel allies effected by [Slime Injection].


Loot list:

Deranged Surgeon's Band - Ring  

Phial of Putrefaction - Trinket  

Depraved Physician's Mask - Cloth Head  

Malodorous Gristle-Sown Spaulders - Leather Shoulders  

Tortured Assistant's Bindings - Mail Wrists  

Fleshfused Crushers - Plate Hands  

Sophisticated Bonecracker - 1Hand Mace  



Domina Venomblade

Domina Venomblade believes the instrument of her revenge for the fall of the House of Eyes rests with Plaguefall. No one, not even her former allies will keep her from gaining the weapon hidden in these ruins.


Brood Assassins – Brood Assassins join the encounter concealed within [Shroudweb] until revealed by players.

Shroudweb – A thick webbing encases the Brood Assassin, providing stealth.

Webs extend from the Brood Assassin's location, reducing movement speed of players in the area by 30%.

Assassinate – Brood Assassins periodically hurl a poisoned dagger at a random target that inflicts Nature damage initially and Nature damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.

Shadow Ambush – Domina appears behind a marked player, ambushing all players within 10 yds of her target. Players affected by this ambush suffer Shadow damage and are stunned for 3 sec.

PoisonCytotoxic Slash – Domina slashes her current target, inflicting Physical damage and applying a toxin increasing the victim's Nature damage taken by 100% for 8 sec.

Venomblades – Domina coats her deadly blades in poison, causing her melee attacks to inflict an additional Nature damage.



[Brood Assassins] cast [Assassinate] until they are revealed.

Beware of nearby allies when targeted by [Shadow Ambush].

Tank –

[Brood Assassins] cast [Assassinate] until they are revealed.

[Cytotoxic Slash] greatly increases damage taken by [Assassinate] and [Venomblades].

Healer –

[Assassinate] inflicts heavy damage over time.

[Cytotoxic Slash] greatly increases damage taken by [Assassinate] and [Venomblades].

Beware of your nearby allies when targeted by [Shadow Ambush].


Loot list:

Memory of the Serpentstalker's Trickery - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Hunter Class

Memory of the Rotten - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Rogue Class

Arachnid Cipher Ring - Ring  

Mitts of Flawless Duplication - Cloth Hands  

Fastened Venombarb Binds - Leather Wrists  

Belt of Wretched Manipulations - Mail Waist  

Scarred Bloodbound Girdle - Plate Waist  

Domina's Oozing Shiv - Dagger

Halberd of the Aranakk - Polearm  



Margrave Stradama

Margrave Stradama – It was believed that Margrave Stradama was destroyed in the explosion that brought down her house. In truth the explosion transformed her into a monstrous new form, driving her mad, and leaving her at the heart of the fallen House of Plagues.


Plague Crash – Stradama sinks beneath the slime and causes tentacles to erupt in a pattern, inflicting Nature damage to players caught in the blast.

Malignant Growth – Margrave Stradama summons a Malignant Spawn.

Touch of Slime – The Malignant Spawn slams the ground, inflicting Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact. If this attack does not hit any players, it inflicts Nature damage to the party.

Infectious Rain – Margrave Stradama unleashes a torrent of plague every 2 sec for 6 sec coating all players in filth for Nature damage. This disease additionally inflicts Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.This effect stacks.

Plague Rot – Margrave Stradama infects all players, inflicting Nature damage every 1 sec for 30 sec when not engaged in melee combat. This effect stacks.



Defeat Malignant Spawn before they overwhelm the party with [Touch of Slime] .

Avoid the tentacles during [Plague Crash].

Tank –

[Touch of Slime] inflicts heavy party wide damage upon striking no players.

Avoid the tentacles during [Plague Crash].

Healer –

[Infectious Rain] inflicts increasing Nature damage to the party.

Avoid the tentacles during [Plague Crash].


  Loot list:

Sludge Feeler - Pet

Memory of Death's Certainty - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Death Knight Class

Memory of a Darkglare Medallion - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Demon Hunter Class

Memory of my Crystalline Reflection - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Priest Class

Infinitely Divisible Ooze - Ring  

Blighted Margrave's Cloak - Cloak  

Leggings of the Erudite Scholar - Cloth Legs

Gloves of Obscure Rituals - Leather Hands  

Plagueborne Shoulderguards - Mail Shoulders  

Poxstorm, Longsword of Pestilence - 1Hand Sword  



   Theater of Pain


The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 53.21 53.14. You can enter at level 60.


An Affront of Challengers

Champions are not fighting just anyone. First contenders fight among themselves to see which are worthy. Dessia the Decapitator, Paceran the Virulant, and Sathel the Accursed have brought their disparate fighting styles together to knock out other contenders. They will crush any who stand between them and the title match.


Dessia the Decapitator

Attacks her primary threat target as normal. [Enrages] at low health.

Mortal Strike – Dessia strikes her current target for Physical damage and reduces their healing received by 30% for 10 sec.

Slam – Dessia slams her current target for Physical damage.

EnrageEnrage – Dessia gains an absorb shield equal to 30% of her maximum health for 30 sec. While enraged in this way, Dessia moves 15% slower.

Paceran the Virulent  

Targets players at random with [Plague Bolt] and creates [Noxious Spores] under players' feet. Afflicts all enemies with [Genetic Alteration] at low health.

Plague Bolt – Paceran inflicts 1465 Plague damage to a random player.

Noxious Spores – Summons a zone of Noxious Spores at the target location for 10 min. that inflicts Plague damage every 1.5 sec. to all players standing within it.

Alteration – The caster hurls vials of genetic altering plague at all players. While affected, victims drop a pool of Noxious Spores near their current location every 8 sec.

Sathel the Accursed  

Attacks players at random with [Necromantic Bolt] and becomes [One With Death] at low health. Marks allies with [Spectral Transference] for healing.

Necromantic Bolt – Sathel blasts a random player, inflicting Shadow damage.

Searing Death – Sathel inflicts a random player with Searing Death that inflicts Shadow damage to all players within 3 yards of the victim every 3 sec. for 12 sec.

Spectral Transference – Sathel designates a random ally for Spectral Transference. Sathel's damaging spells and abilities will trigger a heal on the marked target.

One With Death – Sathel becomes one with death, absorbing damage equal to 30% of his maximum health and becoming immune to interrupt effects for up to 30 sec.

Xira the Underhanded

Periodically attacks players from stealth and retreats once she has either completed her [Opportunity Strikes] ability or it has been interrupted.

Opportunity Strikes – Xira ambushes a random player, stunning them for 10 sec. and inflicting Physical damage every 1 sec.



When Dessia [Enrages], she will fixate on targets at random.

[Searing Death] inflicts damage to nearby allies.

When Sathel the Accursed uses [One with Death], she is immune to interrupt effects until the shield is broken.

Xira the Underhanded will periodically sneak up on a player and use her [Opportunity Strikes] on them.

Tank –

[Mortal Strike] is used when Dessia reaches 100 energy.

When Dessia [Enrages], she will fixate on targets at random.

Xira the Underhanded will periodically sneak up on a player and use her [Opportunity Strikes] on them.

Healer –

[Mortal Strike] reduces all healing taken.

[Genetic Alteration] lasts until dispelled.

[Searing Death] inflicts damage to nearby allies.

Xira the Underhanded will periodically sneak up on a player and use her [Opportunity Strikes] on them.


Loot list:

Memory of the Master Assassin's Mark - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Rogue Class

Bloodoath Signet  - Ring  

Vial of Spectral Essence - Trinket  

Plague-Licked Amice  - Cloth Shoulders

Vest of Concealed Secrets - Leather Chest  

Amphitheater Stalker's Hood - Mail Head  

Galvanized Oxxein Legguards  - Plate Legs  

Dessia's Decimating Decapitator - 2Hands Axe  




As hungry for victory as he is for new parts, Gorechop is ready to show the House of Constructs can build the better warrior. Since arriving in Maldraxxus, he has earned every piece of his body, but he is not above finding something new on a challenger.


Meat Hooks – Meat hooks descend and sweep across the arena. Players that are struck by a meat hook are stunned and suffer Jagged Gash.

Oozing Leftovers – Some Meat Hooks have Oozing Leftovers attached to them that viciously attack players as they fall apart.

Oozing – Oozing Leftovers unravel themselves, losing 5% of their maximum health every 1 sec.

Leaping Thrash – Leaps towards a target, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies within 4 yards.

Coagulating Ooze – Upon death, leaves a pool of Coagulating Ooze that inflicts Plague damage every 1.5 sec to players standing in the area and reduces their movement speed by 30%.

Hateful Strike – Gorechop strikes his target, inflicting Physical damage.



Watch out for [Meat Hooks] as they sweep across the arena.

Oozing Leftover leave pools of [Coagulating Ooze] when defeated.

Tank –

Watch out for [Meat Hooks] as they sweep across the arena.

[Hateful Strike] inflicts heavy Phsyical damage.

Oozing Leftover leave pools of [Coagulating Ooze] when defeated.

Healer –

Watch out for [Meat Hooks] as they sweep across the arena.

[Hateful Strike] inflicts heavy Phsyical damage to Gorechop's primary target.

Players struck by a [Meat Hook] suffer periodic damage from [Jagged Gash].



Loot list:

Fleshfused Circle - Ring  

Viscera of Coalesced Hatred - Trinket  

Contaminated Gauze Wristwraps - Cloth Hands

Grips of Overwhelming Beatings - Mail Hands

Abdominal Securing Chestguard - Plate Chest



Xav the Unfallen

Xav has fought and defeated so many foes that there is a line of contenders battling for their turn. If someone can make their way past them, Xav will relish a worthy challenge.


Blood and Glory – Upon reaching 100 energy, Xav forces players into the dueling pit below. The winner of the duel is granted Glorified while the loser is affected by Bloodied.

Glorious Combat – Combatants take 3% increased damage, stacking every 1 sec.

Glorified – Damage dealt increased by 10% for 20 sec.

Bloodied – Damage dealt decreased by 10% for 20 sec.

Cowardice – Damage dealt reduced by 10% for 20 sec. If neither player is defeated within 45 sec, both players are affected by Cowardice.

Might of Maldraxxus – Xav leaps to the center of the arena inflicting 7324 Physical damage to all players and performs a random combination of attacks.

Massive Cleave – Xav slashes in a frontal hemisphere, inflicting 11718 Physical damage to all players struck.

Crushing Slam – Xav slams the ground, inflicting 11718 Physical damage to players in a line in front of him.

Oppressive Banner – Xav plants an Oppressive Banner, reducing the movement speed of all players by 15% every 3 sec while it persists.

Brutal Combo – A series of brutal melee strikes that inflict increasing Physical damage to their target.



When a player is defeated during [Blood and Glory] both players are returned to Xav's arena.

Xav performs multiple avoidable attacks in succession during [Might of Maldraxxus].

Quickly destroy [Oppressive Banners].

Tank –

[Brutal Combo] inflicts heavy Phsyical damage.

Xav performs multiple avoidable attacks in succession during [Might of Maldraxxus].

Quickly destroy [Oppressive Banners].

Healer –

[Seismic Leap] inflicts substantial damage to the party when [Might of Maldraxxus] is intially cast.

Xav performs multiple avoidable attacks in succession during [Might of Maldraxxus].

[Brutal Combo] inflicts very heavy Phsyical damage to Xav's primary target.


Loot list:

 Memory of Razelikh's Defilement - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Demon Hunter Class

The Magistrate's Judgment - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Paladin Class

Memory of the Unhinged - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warrior Class

Fearless Challenger's Leggings - Leather Legs  

Triumphant Combatant's Chainmail - Mail Chest  

Pit Fighter's Wristguards  - Plate Wrists

Gorebound Predator's Gavel - 1H Mace  

Xav's Pike of Authority - Polearm

Fleshcrafter's Knife - Dagger  

Gorestained Cleaver - 1Hand Axe  




Kul'tharok is a master of the necromantic arts and shows that brute force is not the only way to the top. The path to victory is through his maze of magic portals, and then past his necrotic onslaught.


Draw Soul – The caster draws out the soul of random players. Victims are Soulless for 20 sec.

In Mythic difficulties, failing to reacquire your Drawn Soul triggers [Posession].


Soulless – While separated from their soul, the player's body suffers 2344 Shadow damage every 1 sec. and prevents all actions and spellcasting.

Reclaimed Soul – Reclaiming your soul increases your damage dealt by 30% for 30 sec.

While Possessed, the hostile soul forces your body to attack your allies.

Phantasmal Parasite – Kul'tharok attaches a phantasm to random players that inflicts Shadow damage to the target and all players within 3.5 yards every 1 sec. for 10 sec.

Grasping Hands – Kul'tharok summons spectral hands at several nearby locations. Players within 2 yards of the impact suffer 8788 Shadow damage.These hands will bind both players and their souls, immobilizing them for 10 sec. Players immobilized this way take an additional Shadow damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec.

Spectral Reach – While Kul'tharok's primary target is not in melee range she unleashes necrotic energy at them, inflicting Shadow damage and causes the victim to suffer an additional Shadow damage every 3 sec for 12 sec.

Chill of the Beyond – Kul'tharok's presence chills players to the bone, inflicting Shadow damage every 3 sec.



[Draw Soul] will always make your move towards Kul'tharok.

[Phantasmal Parasite] inflicts damage to nearby allies.

[Draw Soul] prevents all actions and spell casting until your soul is recaptured.

Tank –

[Draw Soul] will always make your drawn soul move towards Kul'tharok.

Kul'tharok only uses her [Spectral Reach] when her primary target isn't in melee range.

Healer –

[Draw Soul] will always make your move towards Kul'tharok.

[Phantasmal Parasite] inflicts damage to nearby allies.


Loot list:

Memory of Death's Embrace - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Death Knight Class

Memory of the Diabolic Raiment - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warlock Class

Memory of Cauterizing Shadows - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Priest Class

Ritual Bone Band - Ring

Soulletting Ruby - Trinket

Soulsewn Vestments - Cloth Chest  

Girdle of Shattered Dreams - Leather Waist  

Boots of Shuddering Matter - Mail Feet



Mordretha, the Endless Empress

Endless battles and endless victories, Mordretha has bested every opponent who has challenged her. In life she was a master of dark magic and her time in Maldraxxus has only expanded that knowledge.


Dark Devastation - Mordretha channels a beam of Anima, inflicting Shadow damage every 0.5 sec and pushing back players within it.

Echos of Carnage - Upon reaching 50% health remaining, Mordretha conjures Echoes of Carnage for the remainder of the encounter. Echoes of Carnage inflicts Shadow damage to all players instantly and Shadow damage every 2 sec thereafter. Ghostly Combatants are periodically drawn to the arena while Echoes of Carnage is in effect.

Manifest Death - Mordretha haunts all players, inflicting Shadow damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. When this effect expires, it inflicts to the player and allies within 6 yards.

Reaping Scythe - Mordretha empowers her scythe and strikes her primary target, inflicting Shadow damage and Physical damage.


Loot list:

Memory of Lycara - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Druid Class

Ring of Perpetual Conflict - Ring  

Grim Codex - Trinket

Fallen Empress's Cord - Cloth Waist

Vanquished Usurper's Footpads - Leather Feet  

Unyielding Combatant's Pauldrons - Plate Shoulder

Barricade of the Endless Empire - Shield  

Deathwalker's Promise - Offhand  


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