Khaz Algar possibly coming in the next World of Warcraft Expansion in Patch 11.0
From the latest insights gained through Datamined Achievement Leaks, a revelation unfolds—the Algarian Stormrider, a prospective addition to the realm of mounts, anticipated to be part of the Heroic edition within the forthcoming 11.0 expansion bundle. Although the details regarding the sequel to Dragonflight remain scarce, we find ourselves compelled to engage in speculation regarding the potential implications encapsulated within the nomenclature of this enigmatic mount.
Khaz Algar - Sector AR-938
Analyzing the initial segment of the recently discovered creature's nomenclature, "Algarian" likely denotes an individual hailing from Khaz Algar, an uncharted realm disclosed in Dragonflight via the Observational Report: Earthen uncovered within the confines of the Uldaman dungeon.
The report elucidates that Titan Watchers deployed a unit of Earthen to scrutinize a crevice for geological aberrations in Sector AR-938. However, these Earthen succumbed to the influence of flesh, exhibiting behaviors and metamorphoses akin to the contemporary dwarves existing in the in-game realm. These flesh-afflicted Earthen began designating the region Khaz Algar, reminiscent of the dwarven kingdom we recognize as Khaz Modan or Ironforge.
Diversity Among Earthen in WoW
The precise appearance of this novel faction of dwarf-like beings remains an enigma, given the limited knowledge about the locale and the overall diverse nature of Earthen.
Refer to our comprehensive analysis of the enigmatic lore books in the revamped Uldaman.
Considering the prospect of a dwarven civilization, let's contemplate the potential significance of a "stormrider." Perusing the World of Warcraft NPC database under the moniker Stormrider yields only a handful of options, with even fewer appearing relevant.
In the literal context, only one NPC, Stormrider, a storm elemental situated in the Storm Peaks of Northrend, proximate to the titan complex of Ulduar and the prison of the Old God Yogg-Saron, surfaces. This titan complex houses numerous Earthen constructs tainted by the Old God, alongside Algalon the Observer, a celestial being entrusted by the titan Pantheon to oversee the planet Azeroth.
While attributing an elemental as a reference to an undiscovered dwarven civilization may seem far-fetched, consider the historical connection of the Wildhammer Dwarves to elemental shamanism, particularly centered around storms and lightning through their gryphonriders. These riders employed storm bolts from their stormhammers to incapacitate and assail their adversaries from aerial vantage points.
Furthermore, a sneak peek into the Blizzcon 2023 In-Game Goodies & Swag unveiled a teaser featuring a new elemental mount with the tagline "AND MORE TO BE REVEALED."
Wildhammer Dwarves
An NPC titled Stormrider Telmin, a Wildhammer Dwarf situated on the Howling Isles of Stormsong Valley in close proximity to the Shrine of the Storm in Battle for Azeroth, mirrors the title. Telmin commands a Slumbering Tempest alongside his gryphon's Stormflash and Sparkbeak.
Though not a conspicuously prominent NPC and merely an objective in the "In the Shadow of the Kraken" world quest, Telmin serves as a dwarven exemplar of a Wildhammer Stormrider. Could the translation of this NPC shed light on the dwarves of Khaz Algar?
Dwarven Artifacts Unearthed
The occurrences of dwarves affiliated with storm-related motifs intensify as we uncover various Dwarven-themed items in the latest 10.2 PTR build. These include new cosmetics not only for the Trading Post but also account-bound cosmetic appearances bearing intriguing names.
The Dwarven Crown Splitter, linked to Trader's Tender cost, is likely a forthcoming Trading Post offering. Additionally, appearances like Arsenal: Stormrider's Stormhammers, Wildhammer Scout's Headgear, and Regal Gryphon Rider's Headgear have been datamined, although previews of these items are currently unavailable.
Iridikron & The Old Gods
While the following is purely speculative, mounting evidence suggests a potential encounter with the dwarves of Khaz Algar. How does this tie into the ongoing narrative of Dragonflight?
In the last encounter with Iridikron within the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon, he vanished through a void portal, carrying the essence of Galakrond absorbed into a relic akin to the Dragon Soul. But for what purpose?
Iridikron aspires to dismantle the Titans' creations and emancipate Azeroth from their dominion. A collaboration with the Old Gods might offer an avenue for success. By locating Khaz Algar, Iridikron could exploit the Old Gods' ability to mutate the curse of flesh, unraveling the denizens of Azeroth, or seize the dormant titan for the Void, instigating the return of the Titans and an opportunity for retribution.
Admittedly, this speculation might verge on the fantastical, yet it remains within the realm of possibility, doesn't it?
Could we, at last, confront the Sword of Sargeras in Silithus? What mysteries does the dwarven kingdom of Khaz Algar harbor? The answers lie in wait, with Blizzcon looming just over a month away.