Bastion Dungeons - The Necrotic Wake and Spires of Ascension
The Bastion is a zone of breathtaking views, blue skies and high spiers, where order and purpose reign. There two Dungeons that available - The Necrotic Wake and Spires of Ascension. The Necrotic Wake is avalable for players from level 51, and Spires of Ascension can be accessed at level 60. Both of them have the Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty, and there 4 Bosses to kill and loot.
Normal Dungeons drops Item Level 158 gear at Level 60.
Heroic Dungeons drops Item Level 170 gear.
Mythic Dungeons drops Item Level 184 gear.
The Necrotic Wake
The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 40.0 55.3. In this dungeon you can get mount Marrowfang's Reins from Nalthor the Rimebinder on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
As this dungeon located in Bastion zone, Kyrian Covenant will help their members with Summoning Steward, who will activate Malfunctioning Goliaths scattered across the dungeon, and it will spawn 5 Anima Orbs.
The corpulent mass of rotting flesh known as Blightbone was lovingly constructed by Surgeon Stitchflesh. Now the abomination is eager to be unleashed on the Temple of Courage.
He walks around the platform near the beginning of the dungeon, first we have to clean up with trash creatures, because some mechanics will require free space and only then start with the boss.
Heaving Retch – Blightbone hurls a toxic spew at all players in a cone in front of him.
Carrion Worm – Carrion Worms hunger for blood, searching out random players to feast upon. (In Mythic difficulty, Carrion Worms now erupt into a pool of Fetid Gas upon dying).
Blood Gorge – The Carrion Worm bites the target. Additionally, each successful Blood Gorge causes the worm to grow in size, permanently increasing its Physical damage done by 50%. Upon reaching 3 applications, the worm explodes in a Carrion Eruption.
Carrion Eruption – The Carrion Worm explodes, spraying all players with noxious goo.
Fetid Gas – Unleashes a store of pent up gas that last for up to 2 min. Standing within the area inflicts damage every 2 sec and prevents all actions and spell casting.
TankCrunch – Blightbone smashes his current target.
Position [Heaving Retch] to avoid hitting other players.
Carrion Worms cast [Blood Gorge] instead of melee attacking, eventually exploding in a [Carrion Eruption].
Avoid [Heaving Retch].
[Fetid Gas] pacifies and silences all players standing within it.
[Crunch] inflicts heavy damage to Blightbone's current target.
Position [Heaving Retch] to avoid hitting other players.
Carrion Worms cast [Blood Gorge] instead of melee attacking, eventually exploding in a [Carrion Eruption].
Loot list:
Stitchflesh's Misplaced Signet - Ring
Abominable Visage - Cloth Head
Viscera-Stitched Footpads - Leather Feet
Blightbone Spaulders - Mail Shoulders
Fused Bone Greatbelt - Plate Waist
Blight Belcher - Gun
Engorged Worm Smasher - 1Hand Mace
Before you reach the nex boss, you will find two mini-bosses - Nar'zudah and the Skeletal Monstrosity. They are not so difficult, but Nar'zudah surrounded by many custers around, and the Skeletal Monstrosity has a lot of health. Be prepared.
Amarth, The Harvester
Amarth oversees the harvesting of corpses from atop the undead monstrosity Bonefang, flying above the battle. The sadistic commander destroyed the Hand of Courage, and now comes for their Paragon.
A relatively easy boss fight that can quickly spiral out of control if your DPS isn't high enough.
Land of the Dead - Amarth summons skeletal minions to his side over 4 sec. Inflicts Shadow damage to players within 3.5 yards of the summoning location.
Final Harvest - Amarth harvests the bodies of his minions, destroying them.
If the minion still stands, it explodes and inflicts damage to all players. Otherwise its corpse explodes, inflicting damage only to players within 8 yards.
Tortured Echoes - Amarth harvests power from the deaths of enemies and allies alike. Each application inflicts Shadow damage to all enemies every 3 sec. This effect stacks.
Unholy Frenzy - Amarth sends Bonefang into a frenzy, increasing its attack speed by 50% for 16 sec.
Loot list:
Memory of a Reckless Defense - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warrior Class
Bottled Flayedwing Toxin - Trinket
Reanimator's Mantle - Cloth Shoulders
Risen Monstrosity Cuffs - Leather Wrists
Rattling Deadeye Hood - Mail Head
Legplates of Unholy Frenzy - Plate Legs
Amarth's Spellblade - 1Hand Sword
Surgeon Stitchflesh
Surgeon Stitchflesh is the mastermind behind the grisly abominations that are deployed from the floating fortress of Zolramus. He bends to his task with maniacal fervor, crafting the flesh of fallen enemies into undead constructs to be used in Maldraxxus' wars.
He starts immune and untargetable, summoning an endless army of Stitchflesh's Creation adds to fight you. So need to be in hurry to kill them all, don’t use cooldowns on them, wait until Surgeon Stitchflesh becomes targetable.
Meat Hook - The construct hurls its meat hook through the air, pulling the first target hit to its location.
Drain Fluids - The caster drains fluids from the target, inflicting Plague damage every 1 sec for 4 sec.
Goresplatter - The caster drenches all nearby players in gore, inflicting Plague damage and an additional Plague damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
Loot list:
Memory of an Implosive Potential - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warlock Class
Satchel of Misbegotten Minions - Trinket
Spare Meat Hook - Trinket
Gory Surgeon's Gloves - Cloth Hands
Freshly Embalmed Jerkin - Leather Chest
Striders of Restless Malice - Mail Feet
Vile Butcher's Pauldrons - Plate Shoulders
Stitchflesh's Scalpel - Dagger
Encrusted Canopic Lid - Shield
Nalthor the Rimebinder
From atop the flying ziggurat Zolramus, Nalthor the Rimebinder commands the forces attacking Bastion. The conniving lich plans to rain frozen magic and death on the pristine lands of Bastion.
Comet Storm - Inflicts Frost damage to enemies within 3 yards of the impact.
Frozen Binds - Nalthor unleashes tendrils of frost to bind a random player, immobilizing them and inflicting Frost damage every 2 sec for up to 12 sec. Upon expiration, this effect spreads to all players within 16 yards.
Dark Exile - Nalthor banishes a player from his platform to the lower wings of the necropolis.
After 50 sec, players banished to the lower wings are slain outright unless they escape.
Loot list:
Mount Marrowfang's Reins (Mythic only)
Memory of the Crimson Runes - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Death Knight Class
Memory of the Cold Front - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Mage Class
Ritual Commander's Ring - RIng
xSiphoning Phylactery Shard - Ring
Necropolis Lord's Shackles - Cloth Wrists
Undying Chill Shoulderpads - Leather Shoulders
Lichbone Legguards - Mail Legs
Darkfrost Helmet - Plate Head
Rimebinder's Runeblade - 2Hands Sword
Spires of Ascension
The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 58.4 28.7. Members of the Kyrian Covenant are able to interact with dead Kyrians scattered around the dungeon. Upon interacting with them, they will receive the Spear of Destiny, which can be thrown at enemies, causing them to get stunned and take 20% additional damage for 10 seconds.
Kin-Tara – While kyrian aspirants had to wait patiently during the anima drought for their overdue ascension, the Forsworn have been unafraid to grant their faithful wings. Kin-Tara proved herself to the dark kyrian and learned to dominate the sky as soon as she ascended. While she stands, the Spires of Ascension will belong to Devos.
Enrage – When either combatant dies, their remaining ally enrages, increasing their damage dealt by 30% and unlocking new abilities.
MythicDeep Connection – The bond between Kin-Tara and Azules manifests as a beam of energy. Any player caught in the beam suffers 586 Arcane damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec.
Deep Connection - The bond between Kin-Tara and Azules manifests as a beam of energy. Any player caught in the beam suffers 586 Arcane damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec. This effect stacks.
Enrage - When either combatant dies, their remaining ally enrages, increasing their damage dealt by 30% and unlocking new abilities.
Attenuated Barrage - Azules fires multiple missiles of Arcane energy that inflict Arcane damage to players caught in their path.
[Charged Spear] inflicts a high amount of damage to all players near the impact.
Tank –
Kin-Tara uses [Overhead Slash] at 100 energy, inflicting a large amount of damage to all players in front of her.
[Charged Spear] inflicts a high amount of damage to all players near the impact.
Healer –
Kin-Tara uses [Overhead Slash] at 100 energy, inflicting a large amount of damage to all players in front of her.
[Charged Spear] inflicts a high amount of damage to all players near the impact.
Loot list:
Memory of a Cat-eye Curio - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Druid Class
Azure-Venom Choker - Neck
Kin-Tara's Baleful Cord - Cloth Waist
Winged Hunters' Gloves - Leather Hands
Forsworn Stalker's Hauberk - Mail Chest
Warboots of Ruthless Conviction - Plate Feet
Quarterstaff of Discordant Ethic - Staff
Ventunax – Ventunax is one of the deadliest Forsworn constructs, originally designed to test the courage of kyrian aspirants. The Praetorian's movements are so quick she can seem to disappear before her enemies' eyes.
Do not waste to much time on this boss - as more he is spawned, as it becomes harder and harder to dodge.
Shadowhirl – Ventunax's incredibly fast movements leave Shadowhirls in her wake.
Each Shadowhirl emits Dark Bolts, and a burst of Dark Bolts whenever Ventunax recovers energy.
Dark Bolt – Each Dark Bolt from a Shadowhirl inflicts Shadow damage and knocks up any players they touch.
Dark Stride – Moving with incredible speed, Ventunax appears behind a player and inflicts Physical damage every second for 20 sec.
Additionally, Ventunax leaves a Shadowhirl behind.
Blinding Flash – Ventunax creates a flash of light, stunning players within a frontal cone for 3 sec.
Recharge – Ventunax restores 5% energy every 0.5 sec for 10 sec.
Additionally, all Shadowhirls erupt for 10 sec.
Avoid [Dark Bolts] from [Shadowhirls]
Tank –
Regain Ventunax's focus when she strikes at an ally with [Dark Stride]
Healer –
Allies are likely to take high damage when there are many [Shadowhirls] within the arena
Loot list:
Memory of Celerity - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Rogue Class
Memory of the Consuming Wrath - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warlock Class
Overcharged Anima Battery - Trinket
Dark Stride Footwraps - Cloth Feet
Shadowhirl Waistwrap - Leather Waist
Dark Praetorian's Clasp - Mail Waist
Distorted Construct's Gauntlets - Plate Hands
Penitent Edge - 1Hand Axe
Oryphrion – Oryphrion is the firepower in the Paragon of Loyalty's vanguard. The Dark Colossus has dominated the invasion into the city with their Anima fueled artillery, and now fiercely defends the font of power before the Archon's seat.
He has a cyclical fight -- Oryphrion will use his Anima for abilities, and then will need to recharge his Anima in a burn phase. You have to finish with the Orbs before they reach Oryphrion to extend the phase.
Drained – Oryphrion is drained of Anima, their damage taken is increased by 100%, and they stop attacking to recharge.
Recharge Anima – Oryphrion generates 5 Anima every 1 sec. for 20 sec. In addition, all Anima Fields form into Coalesced Anima.
Coalesced Anima – Coalesced Anima moves back towards Oryphrion, causing Overcharged Anima if they reach Oryphrion.
Empyreal Ordnance – Oryphrion launches anima infused ordnance, inflicting Arcane damage to enemies within 10 yards of the impact.
Leaves an Anima Field behind.
Purifying Blast – Oryphrion fires their cannon towards a player, inflicting Arcane damage on impact, and Arcane damage every 1.5 sec. for 12 sec to players within 8 yards of the impact.
Charged Stomp – Oryphrion stomps their current target, inflicting Arcane damage and applying Charged Anima to all players within 8 yards of the impact.
[Purifying Blast] inflicts damage to nearby allies.
[Anima Fields] created by [Empyreal Ordnance] empower Oryphrion.
Tank –
[Anima Fields] created by [Empyreal Ordnance] empower Oryphrion.
[Charged Stomp] inflicts heavy Arcane damage in an area and reduces player movement speed.
Healer –
[Charged Stomp] inflicts heavy Arcane damage in an area and reduces player movement speed.
[Purifying Blast] inflicts damage to nearby allies.
[Anima Fields] created by [Empyreal Ordnance] empower Oryphrion.
Loot list:
Memory of the Lightbringer's Tempest - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Paladin Class
Memory of the Thunderlord - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Warrior Class
Empyreal Ordnance - Trinket
Anima Field Emitter - Trinket
Purge Protocol Legwraps - Cloth Legs
Vicious Surge Faceguard - Leather Head
Thunderous Echo Vambraces - Plate Wrists
The Philosopher - Bow
Devos, Paragon of Doubt
Devos, Paragon of Doubt – Devos was the very symbol of loyalty until a soul with a troubling past arrived in Bastion. Her doubt overwhelmed her until she fell into open rebellion, aided by the darkest powers of the Shadowlands. Seizing the Spires of Ascension is just the first step, and the destruction of the Archon is now within her grasp.
Abyssal Detonation – Devos creates a concentrated nexus of maw anima that explodes after 4 sec., inflicting 58588 Arcane damage to all players within 200 yards.
Lost Confidence – Devos infects a random player's mind with doubt for 3515 Arcane damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec. When this effect ends, a pool of Lingering Doubt forms at the victim's feet.
Unleashed Anima – Devos activates the Anima Conduit, inflicting Arcane damage to all players.
Run Through - Devos charges in a line through her target, inflicting Physical damage to all players in her path.
Standing inside Kyrestia, the Firstborne's [Archon's Bastion] will greatly reduce the damage of Devos' [Abyssal Detonation].
The [Archon's Spear] remains locked until all orbs of [Raw Anima] are returned to it.
You must hit Devos with the [Archon's Spear] to bring her back down to the platform when she takes to the air.
Tank –
Standing inside Kyrestia, the Firstborne's [Archon's Bastion] will greatly reduce the damage of Devos' [Abyssal Detonation].
The [Archon's Spear] remains locked until all orbs of [Raw Anima] are returned to it.
You must hit Devos with the [Archon's Spear] to bring her back down to the platform when she takes to the air.
Healer –
Standing inside Kyrestia, the Firstborne's [Archon's Bastion] will greatly reduce the damage of Devos' [Abyssal Detonation].
When Devos activates the Anima Conduit, your party will take a large amount of damage from the [Unleashed Anima].
The party will take more damage from [Lingering Doubt] the longer Devos remains in the air.
The [Archon's Spear] remains locked until all orbs of [Raw Anima] are returned to it.
You must hit Devos with the [Archon's Spear] to bring her back down to the platform when she takes to the air.
Loot list:
Memory of the Rylakstalker's Fangs - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Hunter Class
Memory of Ancient Teachings - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Monk Class
Memory of the Doom Winds - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Shaman Class
Boon of the Archon - Trinket
Drape of Twisted Loyalties - Cloak
Sinister Requiem Vestments - Cloth Chest
Abyssal Disharmony Breeches - Leather Legs
Fallen Paragon's Armguards - Mail Wrists
Breastplate of Brutal Dissonance - Plate Chest
Devos's Cacophonous Poleaxe - Polearm