Ardenweald Dungeons - De Other Side and Mists of Tirna Scithe
Twilight Ardenweald is an afterlife for those closely associated with nature. When the nature spirits in the mortal world come to an end, they return to the haunted forests of Ardenweald and begin to prepare for rebirth. Both of those dungeons have the Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
Normal Dungeons drops Item Level 158 gear at Level 60.
Heroic Dungeons drops Item Level 170 gear.
Mythic Dungeons drops Item Level 184 gear.
Mists of Tirna Scithe
The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 35.4 53.9. It’s available at level 56.
As this dungeon located in Ardenweald zone, Night Fae Covenant will help their members with using Savory Statshroom on Anima orbs around the dungeon, or even create a new resurrection checkpoint in the dungeon.
Ingra Maloch
Cursed to exist outside the cycle of Life and Death, the Drust now seek to circumvent their fate using Ardenweald's mechanisms of Rebirth. Their would-be conquest has found its way to Tirna Scithe, where Ingra Maloch and his followers use foul magic to subjugate the local inhabitants.
Interrupt [Spirit Bolt].
Avoid being hit by [Bewildering Pollen].
Tank –
Interrupt [Spirit Bolt].
Avoid being hit by [Bewildering Pollen].
Healer –
Avoid being hit by [Bewildering Pollen].
[Death Shroud] inflicts heavy damage to all players.
Loot list:
Memory of the Soulforge Embers - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Hunter Class
Unbound Changeling - Trinket
Ingra Maloch's Mantle - Cloth Shoulders
Deathshackle Wristwraps - Cloth Wrists
Rainshadow Hauberk - Leather Chest
Soulthorn Visage - Mail Head
Clasp of Waning Shadow - Mail Waist
Wrathbark Greathelm - Plate Head
Scithewood Scepter - 1Hand Mace
Drustlord's Greataxe - 2Hands Axe
Tirna Scithe is defended by force of arms, but also cunning. The playful Mistcaller has used the mists to confuse and disorient invaders. With the Drust attack the Mistcaller cannot easily tell friend from foe, and only after her puzzles and games are defeated can you safely reach the heart of Tirna Scithe.
During [Freeze Tag], avoid the Illusionary Vulpin even if it is not chasing you.
Only the target of [Patty Cakes] can interrupt the cast.
Tank –
During [Freeze Tag], avoid the Illusionary Vulpin even if it is not chasing you.
Only the target of [Patty Cakes] can interrupt the cast.
Healer –
During [Freeze Tag], avoid the Illusionary Vulpin even if it is not chasing you.
Loot list:
Memory of the Disciplinary Command - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Mage Class
Memory of the Duskwalker's Patch - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Rogue Class
Trailspinner Pendant - Neck
Mistcaller Ocarina - Trinket
Tricksprite Gloves - Cloth Hands
Hood of the Hidden Path - Leather Head
Fogweaver Gauntlets - Plate Hands
Prankster's Pauldrons - Plate Shoulders
Tanglewood Thorn - Dagger
The gorm have been chewing at the edges of Ardenweald, devouring desiccated husks of the dead. The beast called Tred'ova has gorged herself on something far more precious, the wildseed of Lakali, loa of knowledge. Now that Tred'ova has tasted the loa's power and wisdom, she hungers for more than survival.
Move away from allies you are tethered to when affected by [Mind Link] to reduce party wide damage.
Gormling larva will fixate on players afflicted with [Marked Prey].
Shatter [Gorging Shield] in order to interrupt [Consumption].
Tank –
Move away from allies you are tethered to when affected by [Mind Link] to reduce party wide damage.
Gormling larva will fixate on players afflicted with [Marked Prey].
Shatter [Gorging Shield] in order to interrupt [Consumption].
Healer –
Move away from allies you are tethered to when affected by [Mind Link] to reduce party wide damage.
Gormling larva will fixate on players afflicted with [Marked Prey].
Shatter [Gorging Shield] in order to interrupt [Consumption].
Loot list:
Spinemaw Gormling - Pet
Memory of a Timeworn Dreambinder - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Druid Class
Cocoonsilk Cowl - Cloth Head
Sapgorger Belt - Leather Waist
Bands of the Undergrowth - Leather Wrists
Gormshell Greaves - Mail Legs
Hiveswarm Bracers - Mail Wrists
Lakali's Spire of Knowledge - Staff
Axe of the Deadgrove - 1Hand Axe
Acidslough Bulwark - Shield
De Other Side
The entrance to this dungeon is located at coordinates 68.7 66.1. It’s available at level 60.
As this dungeon located in Ardenweald zone, Night Fae Covenant will help their members with using Haunted Urns on skattered around the dungeon. Clicking on the urn will start a channel that will break if you take damage. If the channel is completed, the urn will explode and cast Haunted Urn, stunning all enemies within 30 yards for 10 seconds.
Hakkar the Soulflayer
Even the presence of Hakkar the Soulflayer has caused turmoil on Azeroth. Violence and plague mark his blood and his immeasurable power. His faithful fought for him till death, and beyond. Giving up power has never been his way, even when it is not his own.
Defeat Sons of Hakkar and mitigate damage from [Blood Barrier] to reduce the magnitude of the absorb shield.
Consider positioning when afflicted with [Corrupted Blood].
Assist party members affected by [Zealous].
Tank –
Defeat Sons of Hakkar and mitigate damage from [Blood Barrier] to reduce the magnitude of the absorb shield.
Sons of Hakkar create [Spilled Essence] when reaching 0 health.
Utilize defensive abilities for [Piercing Barb].
Healer –
Help mitigate damage from [Blood Barrier] to reduce the magnitude of the absorb shield.
Consider positioning when afflicted with [Corrupted Blood].
Loot list:
Blood-Spattered Scale - Trinket
Windscale Moccasins - Cloth Feet
Soulfeather Breeches - Leather Legs
Hakkari Revenant's Grips - Mail Hands
Girdle of the Soulflayer - Plate Waist
Bloodspiller - 1Hand Sword
Zin'khas, Blade of the Fallen God - 2Hands Sword
The Manastorms
Absolute honesty and trust are what makes Millicent and Milhouse Manastorm such a power couple. Well, honesty, trust, staggering magic and experimental technology. Combining these four elements in perfect harmony makes the Manastorms the most deadly, dangerous and disastrous couple anywhere.
Disarm the [Elementium Squirrel Bombs] so that they don't explode.
Destroy the unarmored [Thorium Rocket Chickens] to prevent them from overwhelming the party with rockets.
Tank –
Disarm the [Elementium Squirrel Bombs] so that they don't explode.
Destroy the unarmored [Thorium Rocket Chickens] to prevent them from overwhelming the party with rockets.
Healer –
Disarm the [Elementium Squirrel Bombs] so that they don't explode.
Avoid [Rocket Chicken Rockets] to prevent being knocked around.
Loot list:
Memory of a Fel Bombardment - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Demon Hunter Class
Memory of the Infinite Arcane - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Mage Class
Overwhelming Power Crystal - Trinket
Manastorm's Magnificent Threads - Cloth Chest
Rocket Chicken Handlers - Leather Hands
Techno-Coil Legguards - Mail Legs
Dynamo Doomstompers - Plate Feet
Whizblast Walking Stick - Staff
Supercollider - 1Hand Mace
Dealer Xy'exa
Dealer Xy'exa is a cunning aquisitionist, wielding an array of magical contrivances that she has collected over the millennia. She relies on spatial manipulation to stay one step ahead of the innumerable enemies she's made in her dealings.
Loot list:
Memory of a Wildfire Cluster - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Hunter Class
Inscrutable Quantum Device - Trinket
Dealer Xy'exa's Cape - Cloak
Sash of Exquisite Acquisitions - Cloth Waist
Far Traveler's Shoulderpads - Leather Shoulders
Spatial Rift Striders - Mail Shoulders
Breastplate of Fatal Contrivances - Plate Chest
Collector's Pulse Staff - Staff
Xy Cartel Crossbow - Crossbow
Father of Sleep, Son of Time, the Night's Friend, Mueh'zala ushered the dead of Azeroth long before Bwonsamdi made his first deal. He knows a god should rule, not beg for servants and worshipers. The plans he laid in ancient times to reclaim that power are coming to fruition, once he deals with his rebellious replacement
Take Bwonsamdi's [Deathgate] to avoid dying to Mueh'zala's [Shatter Reality].
Interact with Mueh'zala's Primeval Grasp totems after defeating Shattered Visage to release [Bwonsamdi's Fury].
Be mindful of [Cosmic Collapse] fields during [Master of Death] and [Shattered Dominion].
Tank –
Take Bwonsamdi's [Deathgate] to avoid dying to Mueh'zala's [Shatter Reality].
Reduce direct damage taken from [Soulcrusher] to reduce damage over time from [Crushed Soul] .
Interact with Mueh'zala's Primeval Grasp totems after defeating Shattered Visage to release [Bwonsamdi's Fury].
Healer –
Take Bwonsamdi's [Deathgate] to avoid dying to Mueh'zala's [Shatter Reality].
Dispel [Cosmic Artifice] to reduce both damage over time and party-wide damage.
Be mindful of [Cosmic Collapse] fields during [Master of Death] and [Shattered Dominion].
Loot list:
Memory of the Fatal Touch - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Monk Class
Memory of a Prism of Shadow and Fire - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Priest Class
Memory of the Great Sundering - Restore the following memory to the Runecarver - Shaman Class
Death God's Signet - Ring
Shadowgrasp Totem - Trinket
Mueh'zala's Hexthread Sarong - Cloth Legs
Primeval Soul's Ankleguards - Leather Feet
Harness of Twisted Whims - Mail Chest
Reality-Shatter Vambraces - Plate Wrists