10.2 patch Dragonflight already reveald? Probably patch will tell us more about Emerald Dream
10.2 Dragonflight Patch possible scenario. Expansion leak?
Data mining often reveals curious players details of the distant future and secret plans of developers, if you know where to look and how to interpret their findings. For example, even before the presentation of update 10.1, it was known that we would venture underground to the Zara'lek Cave and that it would be thematically titled "Embers of Neltharion." The first 10.1 build on the PTR provides significant hints about the theme of the next major update for the Dragonflight, and it appears to be related to the Emerald Dream.
Among the numerous new icons, dataminers have highlighted an image for a one-handed combat blade called "inv_glaive_1h_emeralddreamoutdoor_d_01," which references the Emerald Dream and open-world content. Also, data mining has revealed that the icons for the equipment items that players will receive for participating in open-world content in "Embers of Neltharion" have a similar name, "blackdragonoutdoor," such as the dagger "inv_knife_1h_blackdragonoutdoor_d_01." If update 10.1 is indeed largely focused on black dragons, Neltharion, and their theme, then update 10.2 should be dedicated to green dragons and the Emerald Dream.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that we will actually venture into the Emerald Dream – it could be a general thematic name for stories about green dragons, who are known to be its protectors. But the dream theme already holds an important place in the history of the Dragonflight, and there are several reasons for further development, such as a new tree for night elves. So the events of the next update will undoubtedly be focused on night elves, green dragons, and the related Emerald Dream, and we have already learned about this, even though there is still a lot of time before its full presentation.