![Top Builds Brawl Stars Colette Guide! Top Builds Brawl Stars Colette Guide!](https://static.insales-cdn.com/r/p0bMeI44q_U/rs:fit:600:600:1/plain/images/articles/1/8030/7053150/large_BRAWL_STARS_BLOG.png@png)
Top Builds Brawl Stars Colette Guide!
Colette has a unique appearance characterized by her unconventional style: her ash-gray hair is arranged in a manner where some of the curls adjacent to each other "cascade in different directions," creating a subtle tousled look. Her bangs typically cover her right eye, partially obstructing her vision. Adorning her head is a slim lilac stripe that runs directly alongside her hair. Additionally, she wears a headband adorned with a distinct accessory resembling a golden skull with a rounded recess, a feature also observed on another character but with differences in color and placement. Colette typically ties her hair back into a low ponytail, leaving a strand partially loose, secured by a golden square clasp. Around her neck, she sports a choker with an embellishment resembling a heart-shaped cutout under the form of a skull and/or a spherical bell. Over an unidentified aquamarine garment with broad sleeves, she dons a red vest, reminiscent of a straitjacket. On the right side of the vest, a badge featuring the smiling Spike and winking Piper logo is visible, while on the left, there is a badge adorned with the top icon, resembling one of several "Brawl Stars" icons.
The Star Power “Mass Tax” is really strong in Heist and Gem’s Grab, because you need to stay alive, especially as a gem carrier. Use it when you’re facing long range Brawlers. The Gadget “Gotcha!” is very helpful in many situations, because you can heal really fast and stay in the fight even at low HP. Use it in every map and every mode. Because Colette is a high damage dealer, be sure to use the Damage gear to be even stronger. You should use the Gadget Charge gear as the second one, because “Gotcha!” is game changer, having 4 will almost always be useful.
GOTCHA!![Colette Gadget 02](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/eShPL7CwDv_R1AHGcdRfANtlgBs43H0rTuoRumKlRVY9Bq3Tp1jdsm35unHSlIgrjPlzALPATZUGTpZgOOkqKwQl7icAJbYKTKPv2DOSMz5BWE79MLvi3223vgvscdCTAHqd20rVbZsgz4E8RQaERXY)
On activation, Colette’s shots heal herself for 5 seconds for 80% of the damage dealt.
DAMAGE![Damage Gear](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/eqLHdmOn7bV8BWTROfgEJ1aHqnQ2OfwEdzJAQxfFD0XW0GA5bpmdrn5FrVQ8kQGRdvsvIHlmIobZMwr4C_9GO14jcIv3NW6c_ge5Mq5a27RaxLaA9YN0ebYT03q-0-M5m1PT1dpJiYD6jaKVZDPR4qU)
Deals 15% EXTRA DAMAGE when your brawler is below 50% health
MASS TAX![Colette Star Power 02](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/wtOOjlkrkazfaSC5jH-qOoE1E7JrieH9NeObgwxsCiXXxXMvuBcyJbSHVdJuSHUTfO324oCdt2hXm27MN8etMldYQJrDIrSnwi9SpIMyQbgG9O7f-kequ9aJ4BmFMhVmGCMFHABqL349n6fpZfoR2AA)
Colette’s Super gives her a 20% shield for 5 seconds. Every enemy Brawler hit by it will add 10% more protection.
GADGET CHARGE![Gadget Charge Gear](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/QBigmDD5gP8ftSZ5JZ07V7S3eUpnBNH4onQK_PLekBhNirVtRe7ch7VpRQIfDifHeqfS9lIAUWJ2woC5MByjOWYQ606jBSYDRfQKasj1iem-ZPcG3NtTw5n5lYywtJ33k3TkhyRzGNESj3HyrT09Jcw)
Increases number of Gadget usages per battle by 1
The Star Power "Push it" proves particularly effective against tanky opponents and close-quarters fighters. It can be strategically employed in Brawl Ball matches to thwart opponents attempting to grab the ball. However, the Gadget "Na-ah!" appears less impactful compared to its counterpart, regardless of the game mode or map. If playing Heist, consider swapping the Gadget Charge gear for the Shield gear to prolong survival and enhance damage output. Both options offer clear advantages and are easily understood.
NA-AH!![Colette Gadget 01](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/EJzwR91tzntRxMOgm1l3v6HWKeBqykqk-LIwUpae20GyTWoWC2Eo0HUh129IwNS_RC0ofzm9EYetyCML8biPUMFgba-rkmzeqvpvf7tEep5qbs9aiAH0WX0dkWotXon-pqxqJzKz01K5WvIaDzzM-_w)
Colette’s next shot deals extra 1500 damage.
PUSH IT![Colette Star Power 01](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/tdYCiJwgteElgkhkiGsKKvkPYzQNwJSVNo9Gq1_7iSf53h4qQE31r5AqAUDI4saCiJqJRVsn4-4KaUq15l-L4g_338Kupyxwwc7DG9TdrBf28J3uWuS_Rex8gpjpgl69ceCjwq8Hr8T8bf7tdOtcbWk)
All enemy Brawlers hit by Colette’s charge are carried to the farthest point of the attack!
SHIELD![Shield Gear](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/Qfr4-_733VyMvPvYY73JntOP4SUkmLpKg32MHEdItR77dcMhhCNLiXdedLbd3LEEQrMtyd2np2OMhuWWnXBMJWD641GMC_5WS7meXWqzz3zWpriQJc_l0XFs65FLPvNP2L3ef5p9EKNuB39MYKZS1UI)
Gain extra 900 HEALTH as a consumable shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health
COLETTE HYPERCHARGE:TEEN SPIRIT![Colette Hypercharge](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/GrwhhD3KauWurxGrzyVVcXZdKAsKEgmWB4WnY2_eejRshVkJPxxkkIAKhOz0cKM8mnaTe72gF__Y1fGwfGWWThWdi-knc6cbeUylFNGbRy16IfqAkuWWxjZD6AuUSa5E-gCn8YfYyNK7j6fIruSUrNw)
Colette’s spirit follows her during her dash, damaging enemies on the way.
- SPEED +26%
- DAMAGE +25%
- SHIELD +5%
Important information about Colette:
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Damage Dealer
- Colette’s title: "The Collector"
- Personal description of Colette: "Colette has posters and figurines of all Brawl Stars fighters. Can you call her an obsessive fan? Yes. But has she completely lost her mind? Also yes."
- HEALTH 6800 HP
Characters that Colette opposes:
- Rosa
- El Primo
- Bull
- Jacky
- Mortis
Characters who are not opposed:
- Poco
- Eva
- Otis
- General Ruffs
- Tara
A precise guide for attack, super, hypercharge, gadgets, and star power:
Colette tax 37% of the remaining HP of enemies, with a minimum of 1000 damage. Therefore, it will be more efficient to target tanks. On the other hand, it’s way more difficult to finish enemies or to kill low HP brawlers. The attack deals 2000 damage to special targets, like the safe, pets and objects.
Colette dashes forward, then come back, and deals 20% of maximum health of the enemies hit by the Super (minimum 1000 damage). This Super is the easiest way for Colette to finish enemies. It can also enables her, in some situations, to avoid an enemy attack or Super, because the speed of the dash is really high. The Super deals 4000 damage to special targets.
TEEN SPIRIT![Colette Hypercharge](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/8V7r2yOjyr6QlhdrqkMbwnAaMgh7bOvc7fZgmGIJh1d54jGsySwmM8C0O09HrkDdRVWCO1a-PpFNPs0GvYvM3nLdqVAAs19QrpBSHlqsPKSdQzXW9wLaV4Z8NkN-PjoDvdOHdUyEhJDxwN_vXnQ71Eo)
When activated, the Hypercharge adds 30% more speed, 25% more damage, and 15% more shield to Colette. Moreover, when using the Super, a tiny spirit follows her and act as a second Super (it deals as much damage as Colette, and charges her Super the same way). You can cycle Supers even more easily with Hypercharge, which is broken in Heist. When you use your Super while being on Hypercharge, your Super will entirely be refilled if all the attacks of your Super hit one enemy.
NA-AH!![Colette Gadget 01](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/lXxzutooWU_K8yBjqV112safhtUWVcGB0_okVaNHymihexb2EGdWdcalrpS6Gqs1rSZVUuXG9EozldZL6J5G2u3h7NOeg_pqMhxmS6aRCCMgK-Ik1ombRMTdvzOFtwgaT1KtBGQCHyD7hcGYBUh3Xa4)
Colette’s next attack deals 1500 more damage. You can eventually surprise enemies by using it at the last moment to finish them, or deal a bit more damage on the safe in Heist. Use it in general to finish low enemies.
GOTCHA!![Colette Gadget 02](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/lJDTVScMgaFDZl3j_NSmUUhJrMRtMtY0SI_1oQCRzQoQVlPF76_61kum89owzWZUSyPCICu-LM54u0nKV_sB0NUavM4FX600s6ICNZj6ZHVgNEMLSiKrQv65BjGov1nj5KsOlEwgpnX8PUnUi-mUYdA)
For the next 5 seconds, Colette heals for 80% of the damage she deals to enemies (not special targets). Use it of course when you’re about to die, especially if you’re facing an enemy who has still full HP. Played well, you can reverse any 1v1 situation, even against counters. Be sure to use it when you have full amo to maximize the value.
PUSH IT![Colette Star Power 01](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/TKMZbbX5-1KhZ_4FXxjjH5vEboMRH7YJxwdXDkcbyYpvIQtExW7uQqF700_JTuYbODvnQHBtwuivP4zMhMuccKAmFwVAD_DlNJtkpVuDKASzi1TL6MzirwNZKSi7t0-w3E1lsH3QXPhK7KClCmafCk8)
Colette pushes enemies back with her Super, which breaks their dynamism and strategy ! It’s incredibly strong against tanks, because Colette cycle Supers easily, so they will never be able to come close from Colette and attack her. This Star Power is very useful for 2 reasons : keeping enemies far from Colette (if she wants to heal up or escape) and putting enemies in the same place, which can be strong combined with other brawlers.
MASS TAX![Colette Star Power 02](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/AD_ncNTeU5Zpm6Mj-z94ZsnVVH8DifpAeMADOzeoRPyonubF_NYcK5uqa_ZZH8gEnjgMUGQREioLB60jZxYvpAqPbfhR3qPq-e6W8f1yaH5iEL5ZBuC-LN7tC_bzoU62hDgrYxaKOZnEXPjKHdrF3pI)
Colette gets a 20% shield for the 4 seconds after using her Super, with 10% more for each enemy hit by the Super. This shield makes Colette really tanky, which can be really powerful against long range brawlers, when you play a passive mode or when you carry the gems.
The Super deals damage according to the maximum HP of the target. Knowing that, it’s more effective to use basic attack first (maximum value because the target still has many HP left) and then the Super, which might finish the target.
In Heist, don’t waste your Super on enemy, except if it’s really needed. Use it instead on the safe to destroy 10% of it with each Super. Colette can cycle Supers pretty fast and destroy the safe if the enemies don’t know how to defend her well. It’s even more powerful if you use the Hypercharge and the Super on the safe, you deal 25% of it !
When you’re close enough from the enemy goal, you can shoot the ball and dash forward on the enemies with the Star Power “Push it” to push them back, preventing them to stop the goal. In defense also, you can use your Super with this Star Power to prevent enemies from scoring.
With Colette’s Super and the Star Power ”Push it”, you can cancel your opponent’s super. It is an effective way to disrupt enemy’s Supers and prevent them from being used effectively.
Best and worst modes for Colette :
Best modes:
Brawl Ball
Hot Zone
Worst modes:
Solo Showdown
Duo Showdown
Here are all the skins for the character Colette:
Maleficent Colette
Navigator Colette
Gladiator Colette
Conductor Colette
Pinku Meowlette
Colette CONY
Interesting facts about Colette:
- Colette is a member of a trio alongside Griff and Edgar, operating out of the "Souvenir Shop" as their base.
- Through her abilities, diary entries, and dialogues, it becomes apparent that Colette exhibits stalker-like behavior and harbors an obsession with fellow characters in the game. Notably, she collects their personal effects during battles, such as a lock of Colt's hair, suggesting a concerning level of fixation.
- Many individuals mistakenly spell her name as "Coll et" instead of "Colette."
- In a teaser image for Brawl Talk featuring the fighter Lola, the note also incorrectly refers to her as "Collette" instead of "Colette," possibly serving as an intentional reference.
- Colette finds satisfaction in her role as a cashier at the souvenir shop, a position she relishes due to her fondness for the game's fighters.
- As revealed in the Brawl Talk segment introducing Colette, she displays an intense infatuation with all the fighters, with a particular focus on Spike and Piper.
- This infatuation is likely a nod to the current community manager, Dani, and the former community manager, Ryan, given that Piper is Dani's favorite fighter and Spike is Ryan's.
- Dani has expressed that this level of obsession from Colette can sometimes be unsettling.
- Sporting a distinctive uniform consisting of a red vest adorned with a badge and dark pants with pink stripes, Colette works diligently in the souvenir shop. Additionally, she wears a hairpin on her headband, resembling a skull, a motif also observed on Edgar's belt or strap.
- Beyond her peculiarities, Colette enjoys scrapbooking, as evidenced by her quotes. In addition to her diary containing collected items, she maintains her own "fighter relationship" board.
- When Colette launches an attack, the sound of a kiss accompanies her action.
- In the event her attack hits a wall or reaches maximum distance, the projectile transforms into a sad heart. Conversely, if the attack strikes an enemy, a heart akin to "Romantic Piper's" shot appears.
- Colette boasts the second-longest victory animation, lasting 5.01 seconds.
- In a developer post discussing Colette's second Star Power, a burnt page with the letter "A" was visible in her book, serving as a reference to the then-new fighter, Amber.
- Colette holds the distinction of being the first fighter available in the Training Cave, later becoming fully accessible. She follows in the footsteps of Belle, Buzz, Ash, and others.
- Among epic female fighters, Colette is the seventh in line, succeeding Emz, Piper, Pam, Bibi, Bea, and Lola, and preceding Bonnie, Mandy, Maisie, and Pearl.
- A post on the official Twitter account revealed that Colette drew inspiration from Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings" film and was crafted based on this influence.
- Colette becomes the first fighter to directly mention the name of the game, following Edgar's lead.
- Colette joins the ranks of epic fighters with closed eyes in the profile icon, alongside Emz, Piper, Gale, Nani, Edgar, Sam, and Maisie.
- The English name of Colette's gadget, "Teen Spirit," pays homage to the renowned Nirvana song, "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
Conclusion on the Colette guide:
The Colette guide provides a comprehensive overview of the character's strengths and weaknesses, abilities, and strategies for optimal gameplay. It covers various aspects such as attack mechanics, Super ability, hyperspeed, gadgets, star powers, recommended game modes, and all of Colette's skins. Additionally, the guide explores methods for countering enemy threats, maximizing team synergy, and adapting to different situations. Overall, the Colette guide equips players with the knowledge and tactics necessary to succeed with this elusive assassin in Brawl Stars.