Legendaries in Shadowlands
Legendaries in Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, players can craft Legendary items of various tiers themselves. To do this, you need to own a certain profession, such as Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking and Tailoring. Basic crafted items have 4 ranks that determine the level of the crafted item. Higher tier Legendary items require more Legendary Materials and Soul Ashes to craft. Players will be able to choose for themselves which effect to add to this equipment.
Crafting Legendary Item
To craft a Legendary item, you will need the following materials:
- An Initial Item/Base itemthat can be crafted by players with profession skills;
- A certain amount of SoulAshes received for weekly passes of Torgast tower;
- Legendary Recipe«The Memory of the Runecarver». You can get it from several sources, for example, drops from raid bosses or dungeons. (To do this, the character needs to reach level 60, have unlocked the Runecarver by unlocking the Maw, then helping the Runecarver. Legendary recipes will have a 100% drop rate regardless of your loot specialization);
- Two different stat scrolls from the Inscription Profession- Missive of Haste, Missive of Critical Strike, Missive of Mastery, Missive of Versatility.
Mostly you can obtain desirable Legendary Recipe in raids or passing Torghast.
Base item recipes are found by playing max level content. Once created, Base Items are not Soulbound and will be able to be traded, mailed, and bought/sold on the Auction House. Each Legendary Power can only be applied to specific armor slots so keep that in mind when you acquire your Base Item.
Once you've obtained all these items, you'll take this item to the Runecarver in Torghast and combine all materials to craft your desired Legendary. There are three types of Legendary Powers that available through Memory of the Runecarver recipes:
8 General: usable by any Class/Spec
4 Class: usable by members of a specific Class
4 Spec: usable by members of a specific Spec within the Class
Each slot of equipment can be crafted by the following professions:
Helmet: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring.
Neck trinket: Jewelcrafting.
Shoulders: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring.
Cloak: Tailoring.
Chest: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring.
Bracers: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring.
Hands: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring.
Belt: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring.
Pants: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring.
Boots: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring.
Ring: Jewelcrafting.
List of ingredients for each armor piece:
Blacksmithing Plate Armor Base Items
Shadowghast Armguards - Rank 1/2/3/4
20/30/50/80x Shadowghast Ingot, 8/12/20/30x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 20/30/50/80x Luminous Flux, 8/12/20/30x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Breastplate - Rank 1/2/3/4
30/50/80/130x Shadowghast Ingot, 15/20/30/50x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 30/50/80/130x Luminous Flux, 15/20/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Gauntlets - Rank 1/2/3/4
25/40/65/105x Shadowghast Ingot, 10/15/25/40x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 25/40/65/105x Luminous Flux, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Greaves - Rank 1/2/3/4
30/50/80/130x Shadowghast Ingot, 15/20/30/50x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 30/50/80/130x Luminous Flux, 15/20/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Greaves - Rank 1/2/3/4
30/50/80/130x Shadowghast Ingot, 15/20/30/50x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 30/50/80/130x Luminous Flux, 15/20/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Pauldrons - Rank 1/2/3/4
25/40/65/105x Shadowghast Ingot, 10/15/25/40x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 25/40/65/105x Luminous Flux, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Sabatons - Rank 1/2/3/4
25/40/65/105x Shadowghast Ingot, 10/15/25/40x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 25/40/65/105x Luminous Flux, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Waistguard - Rank 1/2/3/4
25/40/65/105x Shadowghast Ingot, 10/15/25/40x Enchanted Elethium Bar, 25/40/65/105x Luminous Flux, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Leatherworking Leather Armor Base Items
Umbrahide Armguards - Rank 1/2/3/4
3/5/8/12x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 3/5/8/12x Heavy Callous Hide, 8/12/20/30x Heavy Desolate Leather, 3050/80/125x Desolate Leather, 8/12/18/30x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Gauntlets - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/10/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 40/65/105/170x Desolate Leather, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Helm - Rank 1/2/3/4
5/8/12/20x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 5/8/12/20x Heavy Callous Hide, 15/20/30/50x Heavy Desolate Leather, 50/80/125/225x Desolate Leather, 12/18/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Helm - Rank 1/2/3/4
5/8/12/20x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 5/8/12/20x Heavy Callous Hide, 15/20/30/50x Heavy Desolate Leather, 50/80/125/225x Desolate Leather, 12/18/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Pauldrons - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/10/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 40/65/105/170x Desolate Leather, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Treads - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/10/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 40/65/105/170x Desolate Leather, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Vest - Rank 1/2/3/4
5/8/12/20x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 5/8/12/20x Heavy Callous Hide, 15/20/30/50x Heavy Desolate Leather, 50/80/125/225x Desolate Leather, 12/18/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Umbrahide Waistguard - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/10/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 40/65/105/170x Desolate Leather, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Leatherworking Mail Armor Base Items
Boneshatter Armguards - Rank 1/2/3/4
3/5/8/12x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 3/5/8/12x Heavy Callous Hide, 8/12/20/30x Heavy Desolate Leather, 10/20/30/50x Pallid Bone, 8/12/20/30x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Gauntlets - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/1/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 15/25/40/65x Pallid Bone, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Helm - Rank 1/2/3/4
5/8/12/20x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 5/8/12/20x Heavy Callous Hide, 15/20/30/50x Heavy Desolate Leather, 20/30/50/80x Pallid Bone, 12/18/30/40x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Greaves - Rank 1/2/3/4
5/8/12/20x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 5/8/12/20x Heavy Callous Hide, 15/20/30/50x Heavy Desolate Leather, 20/30/50/80x Pallid Bone, 12/18/30/40x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Pauldrons - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/1/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 15/25/40/65x Pallid Bone, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Treads - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/1/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 15/25/40/65x Pallid Bone, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Vest - Rank 1/2/3/4
5/8/12/20x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 5/8/12/20x Heavy Callous Hide, 15/20/30/50x Heavy Desolate Leather, 20/30/50/80x Pallid Bone, 12/18/30/40x Orboreal Shard
Boneshatter Waistguard - Rank 1/2/3/4
4/6/10/15x Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide, 4/6/1/15x Heavy Callous Hide, 10/15/25/40x Heavy Desolate Leather, 15/25/40/65x Pallid Bone, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Tailoring Cloth Armor Base Items
Grim-Veiled Belt - Rank 1/2/3/4
45/70/110/175x Shrouded Cloth, 15/25/40/65x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Bracers - Rank 1/2/3/4
35/55/85/130x Shrouded Cloth, 10/20/30/50x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 8/12/18/30x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Cape - Rank 1/2/3/4
35/55/85/130x Shrouded Cloth, 10/20/30/50x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 8/12/18/30x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Hood - Rank 1/2/3/4
55/90/140/220x Shrouded Cloth, 20/30/50/80x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 12/18/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Mittens - Rank 1/2/3/4
45/70/110/175x Shrouded Cloth, 15/25/40/65x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Pants - Rank 1/2/3/4
55/90/140/220x Shrouded Cloth, 20/30/50/80x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 12/18/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Robe - - Rank 1/2/3/4
55/90/140/220x Shrouded Cloth, 20/30/50/80x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 12/18/30/50x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Sandals - Rank 1/2/3/4
45/70/110/175x Shrouded Cloth, 15/25/40/65x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Grim-Veiled Spaulders - Rank 1/2/3/4
45/70/110/175x Shrouded Cloth, 15/25/40/65x Enchanted Lightless Silk, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Jewelcrafting Ring and Necklace Base Items
Shadowghast Ring - Rank 1/2/3/4
20/30/50/80x Shadowghast Ingot, 10/15/25/40x Essence of Rebirth, 10/15/25/40x Essence of Torment, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Shadowghast Necklace - Rank 1/2/3/4
20/30/40/80x Shadowghast Ingot, 10/15/25/40x Essence of Servitude, 10/15/25/40x Essence of Valor, 10/15/25/40x Orboreal Shard
Missives (Inscription profession)
Missive of Haste
6 Luminous Ink, 4 Umbral Ink, 1 Tranquil Ink, 1 Dark Parchment
Missive of Mastery
4 Luminous Ink, 6 Umbral Ink, 1 Tranquil Ink, 1 Dark Parchment
Missive of Critical Strike
8 Luminous Ink, 2 Umbral Ink, 1 Tranquil Ink, 1 Dark Parchment
Missive of Versatility
2 Luminous Ink, 8 Umbral Ink, 1 Tranquil Ink, 1 Dark Parchment
Upgrading Legendary Item
Players will not only be able to craft legendary armor of any of the possible ranks at will, but also increase their rank for additional resources at any time later. Therefore, if you want to create a low-level legendary item, because the power of the legendary property does not depend on the level of the item itself, in order to quickly start using the legendary property, you can easily do this and later increase its level to a higher value. However, then you will have to spend a little more materials than if you create a thing at once of the desired rank. The legendary items are all improved at the same Runecarver in the Torgast tower. Inside Torghast, on the right, is the Runecarver’s Chamber you have to give your collected materials to the Runecarver.
Crafted by blacksmiths, leatherworkers, tailors, and jewelers, a Base Item can be of one of several ranks, which affects its level and the amount of materials needed to craft. To get the next rank, the owner of the profession needs to craft a certain number of items of the previous rank. With each rank, the level of the basic item grows by several points, and the higher the level of the basic blank, the higher the level of the legendary item that will come from it. An initial item can either be created by yourself or purchased from other players.
The higher the level of the base blank and, accordingly, the legendary item that will come from it, the more Soul Ash is required to create it. players can receive 100 units each week. Ashes of the souls from the Torgast tower.
Rank 1 (iLvl 190): Requires 1250 Soul Ash
Rank 2 (iLvL 210): Requires 2000 Soul Ash
Rank 3 (iLvL 225): Requires 3200 Soul Ash
Rank 4 (iLvL 235): Requires 5150 Soul Ash
To upgrade a Legendary Item, you need the following materials:
The legendary Item that you want to enhance (it must have a rank below 4);
A new Base Item of the same Legendary Item of the desired rank;
Certain amount of Soul Ash for each missed rank.
For example, if you want to improve your existing Legendary Item from rank 1 to rank 2, then you will need a basic stock of this item of rank 2 and some units of Soul Ash. If you want to upgrade an item from rank 1 at once to 4, then you will need a suitable workpiece of rank 4 and required amount of Soul Ash.
If you decide to create a Legendary Item as soon as you can and improve it later, you will only donate resources or gold to create or purchase a blank, but you will not waste more time (after all, the amount of Soul Ash mined every week is limited). In both cases, you will spend the same aamount of Soul Ash. The only additional cost for crafting a Legendary early and upgrading it later, is the Gold or material cost of obtaining the subsequent Base Crafting Item.