Skinners specialize in obtaining leather and scales off slain enemies, found all throughout Azeroth. Skinning is often paired with Leatherworking, but Skinning also has uses with Tailoring and Blacksmithing. Leather and scales can often be sold as is for pure profit as they are needed in many skills, therefore Skinning is often a skill taken to make money.
You must have a Skinning Knife in your inventory in order to skin an animal. You can only skin a corpse after it has been looted. Skinning pelts include leather, scales, hides, carapaces and more from beasts, dragonkin, nerubians and silithid.
Skinning pairs well with Leatherworking, as it is required to craft many recipes Leather and Mail-wearers can use. Druid, Rogue, Shaman, and Hunter, especially if they already have learned Leatherworking, may want to pick up skinning to acquire materials to craft their own gear.
Here you can buy Classic Skinning Leveling for EU or US Servers.
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