Tailors specialize in creating cloth armor as well as storage bags and wearable cosmetic items (such as shirts). A majority of Tailoring recipes require cloth that is found from humanoid mobs throughout Azeroth, such as Wool Cloth and Runecloth. Cloth is usually farmed, or bought off the Auction House. Tailoring can be a profitable profession, especially in the early stages of Classic when bags are needed most.
Tailoring pairs well with Enchanting, as players can convert cloth into Tailored items and then disenchant them. Items from Skinning are also required for Tailoring, to a lesser extent than cloth.
Tailoring is a common profession among Mages, Priests, and Warlocks as there are crafted BoP robes ( Robe of the Archmage, Truefaith Vestments, Robe of the Void) as well as some powerful Tailoring-only set bonuses. Tailors can also create many bags, including Warlock-specific Soul Shard bags.
Here you can buy Classic Tailoring Leveling for EU or US Servers.
Also you'll get guide for completing Classic Tailoring leveling
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