League of Legends introduced a mastery system for each Сhampion in the game, so that players can show their skills and experience with a specific champion as they level up their skill level. The player earns Mastery Points, which increase the skill level of the Champion he played and rewards for it. (Maximum seven Tiers for Champion). Possible Grades from best to worst: S +, S, S-, A +, A, A-, B +, B, B-, C +, C, C-, D +, D, D-. If you don't want to waste your time on it, we can help you - we will play the games until we improve your Champion skill to the desired level.
NOTE: You need to unlock the Champion that you want to level up.
You can buy Champion Mastery Bboost for any Region with ReinwinBoost team!
• Rewards and experience for the rank achieved by the Champion
• Time saving
• Guaranteed Rating