Embark on a daring expedition with the The Stonecore Cataclysm Classic Dungeon Boost. Situated in Deepholm's Temple of Earth, The Stonecore is a fortress where the Twilight's Hammer once fortified Deathwing, leading to the shattering of Azeroth's World Pillar. This dungeon, brimming with lore and history, offers a challenging yet rewarding experience.
Choose your difficulty: Normal for an engaging journey or Heroic for the ultimate test of skill. In either mode, navigate through intricate passages and confront formidable bosses.
Our service includes options for EU and US regions, ensuring accessibility for a broad range of players.
• Efficient completion
• High-level gear and loot
• Time-saving and safe
• Pre-raid gear
• Completed dungeon run
• Additional dungeon loot
• Active WoW Cataclysm account
• Level 85 character