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Storm's Wake / Talanji's Expedition

Storm's Wake / Talanji's Expedition

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Rajani Warserpent
€ 269
Storm's Wake is a new faction in Battle For Azeroth with recipes, a pet, a tabard, and unique items such as Tome of Polymorph: Bumblebee as rewards. Hitting Friendly with this faction is a component of Uniting Kul Tiras and hitting Revered is a one of the rep requirements for Kul Tiras Diplomat and Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One. You will also want to grind reputation if you are a Enchanter, Engineer, Jewelcrafter, or Scribe for recipes. ## Talanji's Expedition is a new faction in Battle For Azeroth with recipes, a toy, a tabard, and unique items such as Tome of Hex: Zandalari Tendonripper and Tome of Polymorph: Direhorn as rewards. Hitting Friendly with this faction is a component of Uniting Zandalar and hitting Revered is a one of the rep requirements for Azerothian Diplomat and Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One. You will also want to grind reputation if you are an Alchemist, Enchanter, Engineer, Jewelcrafter, Leatherworker, or Scribe for recipes.
• You will be able to obtain unique rewards such as recipes, armor, tabard, mount
• Battle Potion of Intellect Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Coastal Mana Potion Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Flask of the Vast Horizon Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Potion of Bursting Blood Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Enchant Ring - Pact of Mastery Recipe (Rank 3) — Enchanting
• Enchant Weapon - Masterful Navigation Recipe (Rank 3) — Enchanting
• Enchant Weapon — Siphoning Recipe (Rank 3) — Enchanting
• Hardened Tempest Knuckles Recipe (Rank 3) — Leatherworking
• Mistscale Knuckles Recipe (Rank 3) — Leatherworking
• Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of the Feather Recipe (Rank 3) — Tailoring
• AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun Goggles Recipe (Rank 2) — Engineering
• Coastal Healing Potion Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Flask of Endless Fathoms Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Potion of Replenishment Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Enchant Ring - Pact of Haste Recipe (Rank 3) — Enchanting
• AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun Goggles Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Deployable Attire Rearranger Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Interdimensional Companion Repository Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Organic Discombobulation Grenade Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Laribole Staff of Alacrity Recipe (Rank 3) — Jewelcrafting
• Storm“s wake:
• Cape of the Divine Depths
• Contract: Storm's Wake Recipe (Rank 2) — Inscription
• Handwraps of Deep Faith
• Seabinder's Leggings
• Bindings of the Seacallers
• Keelbreak Girdle
• Tome of Polymorph: Bumblebee
• Pair of Bee Wings Pet
• Battle Potion of Stamina Recipe (Rank 3) — Alchemy
• Enchant Weapon - Deadly Navigation Recipe (Rank 3) — Enchanting Enchant Weapon - Stalwart Navigation Recipe (Rank 3) — Enchanting
• Owlseye Loop Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Scarlet Diamond Staff of Intuition Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Dead Ringer Toy
• Sea Priest's Waistcord
• Kelp-Encrusted Bindings
• Stormbreaker Galoshes
• Tidecrest Gauntlets Reins of the Dapple Gray Mount
• Reins of the Stormsong Coastwatcher Mount
• Storm's Wake Tabard
• Talanji's Expedition:
• Drape of the Blood Purge
• AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic Bifocals Recipe (Rank 2) — Engineering
• Contract: Talanji's Expedition Recipe (Rank 2) — Inscription
• Swamp Medic's Leggings
• Swampstalker Footpads
• Grips of the Swamp Hunter
• Gloomplate Gauntlets
• Tragg the Curious Pet
• AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic Bifocals Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Charged Refrigeration Projectile Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Fro-Grow Grenade Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Neurological Immobilization Bomb Recipe (Rank 3) — Engineering
• Tidal Amethyst Loop Recipe (Rank 3) — Jewelcrafting
• Zo'bal Spirit Gloves
• Hir'eek Hide Leggings
• Torga Scale Girdle
• Zul'jan Camp Stalkers
• Reins of the Captured Swampstalker Mount
• Reins of the Expedition Bloodswarmer Mount
• Talanji's Expedition Tabard
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