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Hertz Locker Achievement

Hertz Locker Achievement

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Hertz Locker is a FoT achievement in dungeon Operation: Mechagon for 5ppl. To get this achievement you must run dungeon without any death in HardMode. Operation: Mechagon is a 5-player dungeon on Mythic difficulty, it is a max-level dungeon. Mechagon contains 8 bosses, these are King Gobbamak, Gunker, Trixie & Naeno, HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit, The, Robodrome - Tussle Tonks, The Under Junk - K.U.-J.O., Machinist's Garden, King Mechagon. Mechagon has also a weekly lockout, it is available in "Rise of Azshara" patch. This dungeon has a nice items with unique abilities and stats. Also this dungeon is a key to get most important Essence for most classes.
• Mechagon is a megadungeon, eight bosses, rare mounts, great number of pets. All of these things is breath-taking, magnificent and so desired. But the extra-high difficulty level makes your wishes inaccessible, you have to spend much time for obtaining your goal, not on the first try, thereby you’ll become despondent, irritable. All is that brings your effort to nought. Our team will help you to forget the boring difficult process, that you’ll rejoice fascinating Mechagon’s rewards.
• "Any dungeon" option meaning we will do any dungeon, with all other indicated options. / "Specific dungeon" option meaning we will do the dungeon you claim in the order. If you didn't text which Specific dungeon in the order, we are free to ask you in chat about it, if you have no idea about the dungeon you want, then we choose the dungeon for you.
• "Key level" option meaning the difficulty you choosing.
• "Number of runs" option meaning how much same runs we will do for you.
• "Timer guarantee" option meaning giving you guarantee what dungeon will be made much better and "in time". If dungeon was "not in-time", we can do rerun before next reset or next time you choose the dungeon without timer, but we will do it "In time".
• "Playstyle" option meaning who playing your character - Selfplay - you play / Sharing - we are playing
• The gift option is flexible and not necessary, this is just additional thing to your from us.
• "Add extra trader for more loot" option meaning we will add the player with same armor type as yours(Cloth/Leather/Mail/Plate), this thing increasing the chances on getting better loot, same as your armor type, not with same the weapon type or trinket type. If you need the traders with same weapon type or trinket type or same class/spec as yours, then you ask us about it before the start and we deciding about it. For it we have special product: https://reinwinboost.com/collection/BfA-Dungeons/product/add-a-special-trader-with-same-weapontrinketspec-type
• Traders give you all gear items, but they can not trade mounts, receipts, drafts.
• BoE items can't be traded, they are binded to server, always
• What is a trader? It's a character of the same armor that your character. He trades all loot droped from each boss in a raid or dungeon.
• Items gained from using bonus coin can't be traded. This is ingame mechanic and we can't do something with it.
• New equipment with unique procs; 415-430 item level in normal runs: armor and weapons, conditional rings, shoulder and chest Azerite Armor. Rings are 2 sets, they have diverse interesting bonuses by fusion of them together
• A chance to get two rare mounts Mechagon Peacekeeper and Aerial Unit R-21/X (flying mount)
• Punchcards: red, blue. yellow
• Usually in 10-30mins after your order. In some difficult orders with quantities of options may take longer (~1-2hours)
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