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Honor points Classic

Honor points Classic

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The Wow Classic Honor System allows players to earn PvP ranks, unlocking titles and gear at each rank, which are calculated based on weekly PvP contributions. Below, we will talk about the Classic WoW Honor Ranks, as well as the Battlegrounds that were active at the time, as well as how to best farm for Honor for your desired title.

In Classic WoW, the Honor PvP system would serve as a way to compare your efforts in PvP, when compared to every other player in your server. As you participate in PvP content, be it outdoor PvP or battlegrounds, you will start earning Honorable Kills (which we will be calling HKs). An HK is generally awarded when you, or someone in your group, kill a player of the opposite faction. Players need to be within 11 levels of you (ie. not having their level displayed as gray) to count for an HK. However, not all HKs have the same value. Every HK comes with a certain amount of Honor Contribution Points (which we will be calling CPs). CPs are measured by how much PvP experience you have, and killing a player with high amounts of CPs will award you more CPs than killing, say, a fresh 60 that never really PvP'd before.You can see your HKs for your entire character's existence, HKs for the last week, and your CPs for last week by the Honor tab in your character sheet. You can also earn CPs by fulfilling objectives in Battlegrounds - like capturing the flag in Warsong Gulch, capturing a base in Arathi Basin, or killing a lieutenant in Alterac Valley. On the weekly reset, your gathered CPs are used to calculate your rating. Your weekly rating is calculated with an average of your last week's rating, and your current standing compared to other players on your server.

Your ranking for the week, as well as the number of HKs you've accumulated for the week, when summed up with all your HKs before, will determine your current rating for the week. There are 14 total ranks per faction, which will award your character a title, as well as benefits per title. Rankings and titles are only updated once a week, during the weekly reset. The only exception for this is Dishonorable Kills, explained below, which will affect your rankings immediately. The Classic Honor System does not work like a straight leveling system, but as a measure of your efforts in PvP when compared to other players on your server. If you consistently play to a certain standing every week, you will not improve week after week - To improve in this system, you need to put in more and more time and get higher standings every single week.

Rank points in Classic WoW are calculated based on your current Rank Points, how many Contribution Points you earned in the week, how much decay you currently have, and your current rank title. All these measures will be used to place you in a new rank in the following week. You can find your estimated Rank Points by looking at the tab on top of your Honor Tab - Each rank requires 5,000 Rank Points to progress. So for example, if you're Rank 6 (Knight/Stone Guard) and your bar is half full, you will have approximately 22,500 Rank Points for that week, as Rank 6 is between 20,000 and 25,000 Rank Points.

At the start of every week, every player receives a 20% decay based on the points accumulated in the previous week. So if you finish a week with 10,000 Ranking Points, you will start the following week with 8.000 Ranking Points. Note that your ranking is based on your points at the end of the week, so decay won't affect your standing if you manage to at least PvP enough to recover the lost Honor.

There are a total of 14 ranks for both factions. Each rank requires a minimum amount of Rating Points to be calculated every week, then calculated in comparison to other players on your server. Each rank grants access to different rewards, from PvP consumables to Epic Mounts that do not require Epic Riding Skill and Epic pieces of gear at the highest ranks. Each rank is also applied to your character as a Title.

You gain a certain amount of CPs every time to kill a player of the opposite faction, within your level range. Certain factors can increase or decrease the amount of Honor you gain from an HK:

Character Level - The level of the player matters on how much honor you gain from an HK. If you're level 60, killing a level 60 character will yield more honor than killing a level 50. Killing a grey player, or a player more than 10 levels below yours, awards no Honor.

Your Own Level - The more leveled you are, the more Honor you will gain per kill. Killing a level 60 character with a level 60 gives more Honor than the same situation, but both characters are instead Level 30.

Subsequent Kills - Players killed repeatedly within a 24-hour period will give less honor. The Honor per kill is reduced to 75% on the second kill, 50% on the third kill, and 25% on the fourth kill. Killing a player five or more times within 24 hours of the first kill will award no Honor.

Kills in a Group/Raid - When killing players in a party or a raid, everyone in the party/raid gets an equal share of the Honor gained per kill. Lower levels will receive less Honor per kill than higher leveled characters. If you're too far away from a player being killed, you will not receive Honor even if someone closer to the target did.

Contribution per Kill - Each solo character, party or raid gets a share of Honor from the killed enemy character. The share is roughly equal to the damage % you, your party or your raid did to the killed character.

Player Rank - Honor Ranks make the target worth more Honor when killed. You will receive more Honor from killing a Knight/Stone Guard character, than from killing a Private/Scout.

Being Present - You need to be close to the enemy and alive to receive any Honor for the kill. An enemy being healed does not mean he will award more Honor points when killed.

Battleground objectives give a substantial amount of Honor and are meant to be a big part of your Honor for the week. Don't ignore Battlegrounds if you wish to raise your rank! While repeated kills give you less Honor, they still count towards your kill ratio for the week. You can easily get a few solo kills early in the day, and join a raid during prime time to meet your quota for the day or week. If you feel you haven't obtained enough HKs for the week, you can do Battlegrounds or join a PvP raid to obtain more kills before the weekly reset.

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