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Classic Mining Leveling

Classic Mining Leveling

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Miners specialize in gathering ore and gems from ore nodes found throughout Azeroth, and smelting ore into bars, which can be used in several professions such as Blacksmithing, Engineering, Alchemy and Enchanting. Miners can use the spell Find Minerals to find nearby ore. Ore and Bars can often be sold as is for pure profit as they are needed in may skills, therefore Mining is often a skill taken to make money.

Benefits of Classic Mining:

The resources gathered with Mining, and the reagents created with Smelting, are mostly used in the primary professions Blacksmithing and Engineering.

Alchemy and Enchanting also use these resources and reagents for a few recipes, such as Transmute: Arcanite and Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining.

Mining resources are also used for numerous quests, such as Wheel of the Black March for the Warlock Dreadsteed questline.

Smelting is needed to craft the ten Elementium Bar needed for the Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker quest chain.

A Mining Pick is required to gather from these mineral veins, which is sold by most Trade Goods or Trade Supplies vendors. The Mining Pick does not need to be equipped and must be in your inventory. Players with the Mining profession have access to the ability Find Minerals, which can be used to track nearby mineral veins on the minimap. Keep in mind that tracking does not persist through death and must be manually enabled.

To level Mining efficiently, it's important to understand where the mineral veins will spawn. Generally, mineral veins will spawn in natural environments near hills, cliffs, mountain ranges, zone borders, caves, and/or mines.

Smelting allows you to turn ore into bars. It is another route that one could take to level their Mining skill, which is particularly effective with rare ores such as Silver Ore. However, gathering rare ores isn't too reliable other than purchasing them from the Auction House. Note that this leveling method is no longer effective after skill level 185. Smelting is useful particularly for Blacksmiths as many recipes require bars for crafting.


Since mineral veins require multiple hits to fully extract all of the ore, stone, and gems, multiple players can gather the same mineral vein. This can be beneficial in a party or raid as multiple players with Mining can earn a skill level off of the same mineral vein. However, if another player is already gathering a mineral vein, they have effectively laid claim to it - do not try to gather the same mineral vein without either asking for permission or coordinating with them, as this is considered rude by in-game standards. If another player is fighting near a mineral vein, generally this indicates that they want to gather it once they're out of combat. It is recommended to either assist them in combat, or wait until they're done to determine if they're planning to gather the mineral vein you're interested in. Similarly, if another player is moving towards a mineral node, using an ability that increases your movement speed to beat them to it can be considered rude. In general, it's recommended to be kind and cool to other players, especially when it comes to gathering professions. More often than not, this will work out in your favor. This etiquette also applies to Herbalism and Skinning.

Blacksmithing and Engineering both pair well with Mining as those professions rely heavily on smelted bars. Paladins and Warriors may learn mining, as it generates the metal bars needed to craft powerful plate armor and weapons.

Here you can buy Classic Mining Leveling for EU or US Servers.

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