Herbalists specialize in gathering herbs from herb nodes that can be found throughout Azeroth. These herbs are commonly either sold, or used in other professions such as Blacksmithing, Cooking, Engineering, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. Herbalists can use the spell Find Herbs to find nearby herbs. Herbs can often be sold as is for pure profit as they are needed in many skills, therefore Herbalism is often a skill taken to make money.
Benefits of Herbalism in Classic WoW
The herbs gathered with the Herbalism skill are primarily used in the Alchemy profession, although the herbs are also used in other professions such as Blacksmithing, Cooking, Engineering, Leatherworking, and Tailoring.
Rogue players create Blinding Powder for Blind using Fadeleaf. In addition, Thistle Tea is created using Swiftthistle.
Herbalists can use the spell Find Herbs to find nearby herbs (note this doesn't persist through death and must be enabled).
Herbs are required for a number of quests, outlined in the Herbalism Quests section.
Remember, if you see an herb node, go for it right away as they are not shared-tap in Classic WoW.
To level Herbalism efficiently, it's important to understand where the herb nodes will spawn. Generally, herb nodes will spawn in natural environments near hills, cliffs, mountain ranges, zone borders, caves, mines, and/or open terrain. Before traveling to a new zone to continue gathering herbs, be sure that your skill is high enough to gather from any herb nodes that you might encounter in that zone.
If another player is fighting near an herb node, generally this indicates that they want to gather it once they're out of combat. It is recommended to either assist them in combat, or wait until they're done to determine if they're planning to gather the herbalism node you're interested in. Similarly, if another player is moving towards a herbalism node, using an ability that increases your movement speed to beat them to it can be considered rude.
As herbalism nodes are not shared tap, and despawn once the plant is gathered, be mindful of other players in your party that are interested in gathering herbs. And while it may be tempting to grab an herb in combat, do not endanger your party. Let your group know you want to pick an herb so you do not get separated from them. In general, it's recommended to be kind and cool to other players, especially when it comes to gathering professions. More often than not, this will work out in your favor. This etiquette also applies to Mining and Skinning.
Alchemy is a great profession to pair with Herbalism, as herbs are needed for potions, flasks, and elixirs. If you are just interested in making gold, Mining is another lucrative gathering profession.
Herbalism is popular among Druids due to Travel Form allowing them to Herb without having to dismount. Tauren Druids also have the added bonus of the Cultivation racial, providing +15 herbalism.
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